Ah, the stormy seas of dating. The billows of boring text conversations, and the tsunami of suffering when you get ghosted.
Drawing a blank on how to text that dreamboat you met the other night? Try one of these 100 original flirty pick up lines. We’ve got everything from date ideas and Shakespearean wording to Rickrolling and groan-worthy jokes that are sure to draw a laugh.
We know it’s a little scary – at first, you couldn’t even believe you got their number. (How on earth did you work up the courage to talk to them?) But this list is divided into ten themed sections for your convenience, so pick whatever suits your personality. The lines are mostly gender-neutral, but we’ve got your back if you’re a guy wondering how to text a girl, too.
Now, none of us likes a tease that doesn’t follow through on a smooth opening line. Make sure you’re putting in the effort to get to know your boo-to-be. In the meantime, enjoy this list of punny, romantic, matchless pick-up lines. You’re on your way to being the perfect flirt!
1. Be Our Guest, Be Our Guest: Inviting Them on a Unique Date
Dinner and a walk is lovely, but a little overdone. Try these unusual ways to ask that special someone out. Go boldly where no couple has gone before!
You’ve been challenged to a Laser Tag War by your Future SO. Accept if you dare!
Let’s throw a potluck picnic – you bring your favourite food, I’ll bring mine! Dress code: sunscreen.
How about we swap books when we meet? I’d love to read a novel close to your heart. xx
Picture this for a first date: Bob Ross tutorial. Both of us, covered in paint. Me DEMOLISHING your happy little trees.
Quick, get in the time machine! I’ve set it so we can meet earlier!
Why don’t we bond over some furbabies and volunteer at the local dog shelter tomorrow?
Let’s buy a bunch of ingredients and try to invent a new kind of sushi roll! Your place or mine?
My oracle tells me you’re losing when we play air hockey this weekend. There’s still time to prove her wrong…
There’s a pottery class in my area that I’ve been dying to try. Want to recreate that scene from Ghost with me?
Wanna watch me break the sound barrier? Tell me when and where we’re meeting.
2. ‘I Did My Waiting! Twelve Years of It! In Azkaban!’: Pick-Up Lines for Quarantine Times
Will it ever end??? For you hard-working online dating enthusiasts, here are some COVID-friendly pick up lines. Stay safe!
— Flirty Pick Up Lines
I’m like the 0.1% of germs that sanitizer can’t kill – super reliable.
We grew the same 19 succulents in quarantine! It’s meant to be!
So since we can’t go OUT on a date, how about we order each other pizza?
I didn’t think wearing masks was unfair till yours stopped me seeing your face.
Since we have to socially distance for now, let’s make up the gap emotionally.
Getting the vaccine was my second favourite thing about 2021. The first was meeting you.
I’d send you flowers if I could, but since these are strange times, here’s this video of a puppy waking up instead.
How would you feel about a chill dinner date over video? Virtual candles and everything!
Talking to you is like using sanitizer on a public bus – I just can’t get enough.
For every time you beat my high-score, I’ll buy you a coffee after lockdown. You game?
5. Cheesy Jokes: Literally, Pick-Up Lines about Cheese
Don’t jump in with zero context on this corny category – build some rapport first, or write something funny in your bio! Then you know your Textee is a total cheeseball too.
— Flirty Pick Up Lines
I just know we’re meant to brie.
Please come closer, I Camembert to be without you.
I was nearly feta-p of dating, but I couldn’t pass up the chance to talk to you.
You cheddar believe I have more cheesy compliments waiting.
You look too gouda to be true.
I’ll never let you feel provolone.
Are you a Margherita pizza? Because you look Mozzar-hella good.
Hallou – is it – mi you’re looking for?
Should I try another cheesy joke, or do I have parmesan to take you out on a date?
I’m nacho average cheese ball – but I’d love a partner in crime.
6. Down With the Kids: Pop Culture Pick-Up Lines
It’s always exciting to run into someone obsessed with your favourite band or movie. It’s also a pretty safe bet that most people have heard of these films and series. Take a crack at it – you might strike gold!
— Flirty Pick Up Lines
Come with me, and you’ll be, in a world of love and adoration. 🎩
The only thing scarier than the Babadook is the thought of you not texting back.
Do you want to build a snowmaaan? It doesn’t have to be a snowman! (Could be a healthy relationship.)
Sooooo tell me what you want, what you REALLY REALLY want.
You walking into a room would make the Royal Wedding look like a kid’s birthday party.
If we were caught in a shipwreck, I’d let you float on the door with me.
You should stay away from vampires. They’re allergic to pure sunshine.
‘I may not be the smartest man, but I know what love is.’ Hint, hint.
7. Wild About You: Punny Animal-inspired Pick-Up Lines
If the cheese section wasn’t enough, wait till you get a load of this menagerie. These pick up lines are great for hunting down someone with the same beastly humour as you!
Honey, you’re just un-bee-lievable.
Would it be shellfish if I clam-oured for more of your time?
Sarus cranes mate for life. We should get started on that, eh?
We don’t have to be owl by ourselves anymore!
Knock knock. Who’s there? Whale. Whale who? Whale you go out with me?
You must be great with reptiles – after all, you’re one in a chameleon.
All this suspense of ‘who texts first’ was getting un-bear-able. I couldn’t paws anymore.
The neigh-sayers can go horse if they like. I can see us being stable together.
Are you a small, fuzzy river creature? Because you’re otterly adorable.
I’d be lion if I said I didn’t want you to be my mane squeeze.
8. Build-a-Bear? More Like Build-a-Life: Pick-Up Lines for First-text Wedding Planners
Some people slide into your DMs looking for a Forever. If you like to imagine an entire life with someone you’re texting for the first time, we’re here to help you get there.
— Flirty Pick Up Lines
I was thinking we could have a spring wedding. You know, since flowers bloom when you walk by.
Before you say anything – I DO.
Ring-ring. Oh look, the phone’s telling our future.
I’ve always wanted to spend my honeymoon in the mountains, but I guess we should discuss it together.
Don’t worry, I practiced for our wedding by walking down the dessert aisle.
Funny, I think my phone automatically set your text tone to ‘Here Comes the Bride’.
God, you’re gorgeous: let’s call this day 1 of our engagement.
This phone keeps autocorrecting your name to ‘Sweetheart’. I think it’s a sign.
I loved meeting you the other day – can’t wait to meet your parents next x
When we met, did you hear church bells ringing, too?
9. Shakespeare Remixed: Reinventing the Classics as Pick-Up Lines
Sometimes, an earnest confession is the best way to go. Want to live out your Mr. Darcy fantasies? Try these ten swoon-worthy literature-inspired pick up lines. Credits to each famous author included!
Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? You’re just as warm and bright. X (Shakespeare)
‘Love sought is good; but given unsought, is better’ – so, here I am! (Shakespeare)
The Bard had it right: all you need is ‘a heart to love, and in that heart, courage to make love known.’ (Shakespeare)
‘The course of true love never did run smooth’ – guess that’s why it’s taken this long to get your number. (Shakespeare)
‘Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind’. Though you’re looking stellar both ways. (Shakespeare)
I’ve been feeling kookier every day since I met you – but they do say love is a temporary madness. (Louis de Bernieres)
I have to be honest here. I was a goner, headlong, before I said a word to you. (Charles Dickens)
I’ve been trying not to dwell on you, but you’re like the sun. I see you without looking. (Leo Tolstoy)
‘Love is a great beautifier’. Not that you needed the help. (Louisa May Alcott)
‘If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever.’ I suddenly have a lot of sympathy for Tennyson. (Alfred Lord Tennyson)
10. At Your Own Expense: Self-deprecating Pick-Up Lines
Pick up lines can come across as self-centered sometimes. Why not make yourself the butt of a gentle joke? For the humble hopeful, here are some choice people-pleasers.
— Flirty Pick Up Lines
Even with my room temperature IQ I knew I’d be a fool not to get your number.
I have pretty bad eyesight – but I’d have to be blind not to see that this is going somewhere.
I get told I’m too apologetic. I’m only sorry we didn’t meet sooner.
I have a terrible memory. Luckily, you’re unforgettable.
I have the attention span of a goldfish, but you stopped me in my tracks.
I wasn’t super strong to begin with, but you make me weak in the knees.
I may not have a six-pack, but my heart’s all yours.
Some people call me a pushover, but I’ve already fallen for you.
I’m not the most punctual person, but I’ve got all the time in the world for you.
I try not to be a coward, but I’m afraid I’m already in deep here.
Srionti Maitra is a UK-based, Indian-born copywriter and proofreader. When she isn't reading, writing, or knee-deep in an edit, she's trying to keep her plants alive and making grand plans about a sabbatical year in Japan. She develops recipes for a food and culture collective in her spare time.
Srionti Maitra is a UK-based, Indian-born copywriter and proofreader. When she isn't reading, writing, or knee-deep in an edit, she's trying to keep her plants alive and making grand plans about a sabbatical year in Japan. She develops recipes for a food and culture collective in her spare time.