190 Best This or That Questions

When you think of that old Truth or Dare game, what comes to mind? – traumatizing memories of admitting your secret crush, or maybe being dared something embarrassing like running across your neighborhood in nothing but your underwear? While maybe shame-inducing, it is definitely fun, and not just for that awkward pre-teen phase anymore!
In the age of social distancing, we need to ignite a little spark in our lives, so why not bring this game back from the dead to play over text? The rules are simple and can be played one-on-one, or with your entire friend group. Basically, each person has a turn and asks one other person, “Truth or dare?”. The person chooses, and you ask them, or dare them, anything your heart desires! If they fail to answer or complete the dare, they have to take on a challenge – maybe fifty push-ups, or be deleted from the group chat! Stuck on what to ask?
Here are some fun, challenging, and all-out mouth-dropping truths and dares to text to your friends during your next group chat!
Truth or Dare over the phone
1. What is the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done?
2. What is the most childish thing you’ve done over the age of 13?
3. Who are you crushing on right now?
4. How many people have you kissed or slept with?
5. Tell me a time you were rejected, and describe it in detail for at least five minutes!
6. What is the meanest thing you’ve ever done to somebody?
7. Have you ever peed yourself as an adult or teenager?
8. What is something illegal you’ve done?
9. What is the grossest thing you’ve overheard someone do?
10. Tell me something you don’t like about me.
11. Who is a person you don’t like but pretend to?
12. Who is one person you wish was still in your life?
13. Do you think you’re uglier or better looking than most people you know?
14. When was a time you felt really embarrassed for somebody else?
15. Have you ever stolen something from your parents or another person?
16. At what age did you stop sleeping with a light on?
17. What is the silliest thing you’re genuinely scared of?
18. Do you believe in ghosts?
19. Have you ever been pulled over by the cops?
20. Have you ever catfished anybody? If so, what happened? If not, have you wanted to?
21. Have you ever been catfished before? What happened and how did you find out?
22. What is something you did a long time ago that you still regret today?
23. Have you ever heard your parents sleeping together?
24. What is the naughtiest thing you’ve ever done?
25. What is a really gross habit you have and never wanted anybody to find out?
Next: 98 Best Truth Questions to Ask Your Friends
26. Have you ever been in a police car, and if so, why?
27. What is something your best friend or significant other does that you really hate?
28. Have you ever hacked into someone’s social media to read their messages?
29. Have you ever creeped on or stalked somebody on social media?
30. Describe your grossest kiss and why it was so nasty!
31. If you had to go out on a date with one person of the same s*x, who would it be?
32. Tell me about a time you fake-cried, or only pretended to be regretful in order to get out of trouble.
33. What is the biggest lie you’ve ever told, and who did you tell it to?
34. Who do you think is the most unattractive of all your friends?
35. If you had to hook up with one family member, who would it be?
Recommended: 50 Truth or Dare Questions With Crazy Silly Dares
Good truth or dare questions over text
1. I dare you to order me $10 worth of food for delivery.
2. Shave your arms and send me a pic.
3. Record yourself singing a song and post it on YouTube.
4. Mix a drop of every condiment in your house and drink/eat it.
5. Message someone you haven’t talked to in at least 1 year on Facebook or Instagram and take a screenshot.
6. Try to lick your own foot!
7. Do a three-way prank call to somebody so I can listen.
8. Text your crush and ask them out on a date.
9. Fill up the bath and get in with your current outfit still on.
10. Pick the third number on your contacts list and message them a silly poem.
Next: 69 Dirty Dares Over Text
11. Open up all your windows and sing an entire song as loud as you can.
12. Cut a piece of your hair.
13. Put ice cubes down your pants and try to shake them out and send me a video.
14. Take a video of yourself doing a crazy dance and post it to social media.
15. Ask a neighbor if they have fifty cents.
16. Walk around the block and talk to yourself the entire time, even when people are around.
17. Drink or eat a teaspoon of soap.
18. Close your eyes and reach into your fridge or food pantry – the first thing you touch, you have to eat.
19. Send me a screenshot of your messages with the last person besides me you texted.
20. Brush your teeth with peanut butter or another condiment and send me a pic.
Next: 100+ Funny Dares for a Wild Time with Friends
21. Take a really unflattering picture and make it your profile picture for one full day.
22. Send me a screenshot of your selfies gallery.
23. Watch five minutes of an adult movie I’ll send you.
24. Go up to your biggest window and dance really badly until someone walks past.
25. Text a random number and write “I see dead people”.
26. Text a random number a selfie.
27. Shave a part of your body you wouldn’t usually shave.
28. Pretend to be a cat for five minutes and send me a video.
29. Find the spiciest thing in your house and eat an entire spoonful of it.
30. Make a video of yourself doing your weirdest habit!
31. Put on clothes of the opposite s*x and take a video of yourself trying to act like a guy/girl.
32. Create a really bad, five-minute make-up tutorial and post it to YouTube.
33. Walk to the nearest store and ask for the smallest available change for five dollars.
34. Wait until a dog walks past your house and bark at it!
35. Knock on someone’s door and try to run away before they answer!
If you want the questions in an Image or PDF format, You can grab it here: Image | PDF
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