82 Funny Would You Rather Questions

82 Funny Would You Rather Questions

Are you bothered by the same questions time after time? Are you bored of asking someone if they’d rather be blind or deaf? Instead, do you want to know what your friends are really thinking in the weird parts of their brains? Asking each other strange, wonderful and funny would you rather questions is a great way to get to know each other further, and you might be surprised at where their thoughts take them! 

Take a look at the list of funny would you rather questions below, you’re guaranteed to either spend the evening laughing or to spend it debating with your friends. 


Would You Rather?…

Would you rather bounce off of every surface you touch or never be able to jump again?

Would you rather have taste buds covering your hands or not taste food and drink again?

Would you rather have skin like sandpaper or skin like jelly?

Would you rather make a beeping noise when you’re stressed or cry confetti when you’re sad?

Would you rather be allergic to animals or to your favourite foods?

Would you rather be a psychic that nobody believes or have superpowers that you can’t use properly?

Would you rather not be able to swim or not be able to run?

Would you rather become your favourite character or win the lottery?

Would you rather have a pet dragon that doesn’t understand you or a pet zebra that always listens?

Would you rather fight a mermaid or a polar bear?

Would you rather only be able to sleep for three hours a night or have to run a marathon each week with shoes that are too tight?

Would you rather turn into a dog every time you sneeze or a buffalo every time you hiccup?

Would you rather only be able to laugh at inappropriate times (and have to) or have to sing when someone claps?

Would you rather have your name constantly mispronounced or constantly forgotten?

Would you rather produce shocks when you went near technology or hear squelching noises when you’re trying to focus?

Would you rather only be able to eat food that began a B or an M?

Would you rather be followed everywhere by someone playing the flute or be surprised daily by someone playing a tuba?

Would you rather have a toaster for a head or a cactus for a spine?

Would you rather your drinks had the texture of porridge or only be able to drink your least favourite drink?

20th of 82 Would You Rather Questions Funny Edition 2025

Would you rather belong to a family of strict bears or nonchalant hippos?

Would you rather have knives for toes or have spaghetti for body hair?

Would you rather have to ride a snail everywhere or have to wear rollerblades (with a wonky wheel) everywhere you go?

Would you rather only use words containing the letter ‘e’ or automatically breakdance when someone coughs?

Would you rather always miss film endings or never be able to finish a sentence?

Would you rather be able to fall asleep in seconds but always wake up late or take two hours to fall asleep but you’re always early?

Would you rather have gummy bears for fingers or a croissant for a tongue?

Would you rather have to smell the last thing you ate forever or have someone flick you when you yawn?

Would you rather have shoes made of Lego or clothes made of kiwi?

Would you rather become a frog when you upset somebody or become a unicorn every time you’re upset?

Would you rather have to update social media saying each time you sneeze or only be able to listen to your favourite song covered by the Wiggles?

Would you rather get a stomach bug in the middle of the first date or on your wedding?

Would you rather be able to hear the thoughts of others (only when they are mad) or have to always eat the same food? 

Would you rather smash every plate you touch or every mirror you see?

Would you rather take your mother’s favourite possession for £1000 or take a baby’s favourite toy (in front of your mother) for £10,000?

Would you rather never celebrate your favourite holiday or have your friends never celebrate their favourite holiday?

Would you rather have to dress like Batman for every funeral or dress like Mr Blobby for every wedding?

Would you rather only eat chalk or constantly vomit fur-balls?

Would you rather skip when you are in a hurry or only be able to shower in milk?

40th of 82 Would You Rather Questions Funny 2025

Would you rather cluck like a chicken when you read or screech like a rooster before you talk?

Would you rather have springs stuck to your back or have to wear a hat that can’t be removed?

Would you rather be fluent in every language (only when shouting) or understand animals but they can only whisper directly in your ear?

Would you rather sweat washing up liquid or have your saliva taste like air freshener?

Would you rather not be able to see your reflection or have to dress in onesies?

Would you rather have a guardian angel that dislikes you or a demon bodyguard that loves you?

Would you rather be Spider-Man and be covered in ants or be Ant-Man and covered in spiders?

Would you rather have popcorn for teeth or teeth for nails?

Would you rather be able to predict the weather (but only five minutes before) or be able to sense when someone is lying (but only to others)?

Would you rather constantly be too hot or never quite dry?

Would you rather always try to open a door incorrectly or always stub your toe going up stairs?

Would you rather have your skin colour change to reflect your mood or never be able to tell a lie?

Would you rather be considered guilty for a crime you didn’t commit or have your closest friend charged for a crime you did commit?

Would you rather sound like a duck or swim like a squid?

Would you rather get into an argument with Meryl Streep or Tom Hanks?

Would you rather never show in photographs or always break your shopping bag?

Would you rather get food poisoning monthly or always be followed by flies?

Would you rather control a scourge of mosquitos or befriend a hive of bees? 

Would you rather constantly mimic another’s accent or only communicate through interpretative dance?

Would you rather live in a house made of cocktail sticks or in a polystyrene tent?

60th of 82 Funny Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather leave a trail of glitter wherever you go or constantly find sand in your shoes?

Would you rather become a plane or become a car?

Would you rather hear the same song repeatedly or only listen to white noise for a year?

Would you rather be followed by Roombas or an angry personal trainer? 

Would you rather revert back to a baby or always get stuck queuing?

Would you rather be hated by your idol or eat a block of cheese daily?

Would you rather have everything you make/build break or every tool you use become marshmallow?

Would you rather bury your head underground when scared (like an emu) or have your skin glow when you’re scared?

Would you rather be friends with an annoying ghost or be bullied by an alien but no-one believes you?

Would you rather squeal like a pig when sleeping or honk like a goose when walking?

Would you rather be a talented musician but not heard or a talented gymnast but not seen? 

Would you rather your favourite team always lose or your favourite artist lose their voice?

Would you rather own a cursed games console or have to use a pigeon to send messages?

Would you rather use a pillow made of ice or a mattress made of hot soup?

Would you rather have to hop everywhere or climb anything that you see?

Would you rather have to get the face of the person you dislike tattooed on you or constantly see them in person?

Would you rather bark every time you saw a postman or talk like Mickey Mouse every time you’re in trouble?

Would you rather have no taste buds or be color blind?

Would you rather eat everything you see or lick everything you see?

Would you rather Look like a fish or smell like a fish?

Would you rather have a booger hanging from your nose for the rest of your life or earwax planted on your earlobes?


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