Would You Rather….
Every time I hear the phrase, “would you rather,” I start singing Bing Crosby’s Swing on a Star.
Would you like to swing on a star?
Carry moonbeams home in a jar
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a mule?
A fun question game of would you rather is a great way to pass some time, and also a way to get to know your friends and family members better. Sometimes it can be hard to think of some good questions to ask, so here is a good list to get you started!
Clean Would You Rather Questions
1. Would you rather morph into a bear or a beaver?
2. Would you rather travel in your own country or travel abroad?
3. Would you rather eat sorbet or ice cream?
4. Would you rather own a leather jacket or a jean jacket?
5. Would you rather drink coffee or tea?
6. Would you rather read the book or see the movie?
7. Would you rather ride a quad or a motorcycle?
8. Would you rather have a sweet snack or a salty one?
9. Would you rather camp in a trailer or a tent?
10. Would you rather do house cleaning or clean out your vehicle?
11. Would you rather go to Disneyland but not be able to go on any of the rides or go to the cottage but not be able to go swimming?
12. Would you rather be only to have one thing to drink for the rest of your life or one food to eat?
13. Would you rather be stuck on a deserted island for the rest of your life or be stuck living with all of your relatives in one home?
14. Would you rather be too cold for the rest of your life or too hot?
15. Would you rather be unable to speak the truth or unable to lie?
16. Would you rather have to cook all of your meals at home or have to eat all of your meals at restaurants for the rest of your life?
17. Would you rather have to finish reading a book you are not enjoying or listen to music you hate for 24 hours straight?
18. Would you rather never be able to use social media again or never be able to watch television and movies?
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Funny Would You Rather Questions
1. Would you rather have the smell of garbage in your nose all day or sleep with a smelly sock in your nose?
2. Would you rather drink water that fish have been swimming in or drink pool water?
3. Would you rather have a super sense of smell or a super sense of taste?
4. Would you rather eat a cricket or a spider?
5. Would you rather eat escargot or frog legs?
6. Would you rather eat a piece of rotten fruit or drink sour milk?
7. Would you rather live in Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory or in the game Jumanji?
8. Would you rather speak gibberish (though nobody would understand you) or have to communicate everything using only gestures?
9. Would you rather have to ride an elephant as your only means of transportation or a hippopotamus?
10. Would you rather have hair that changes color when you are angry or fingernails that you have to cut every 12 hours because they never quit growing?
11. Would you rather have feet the size of an elephant’s or a neck the length of a giraffe’s?
12. Would you rather have everything you type come true or everything you say out loud come true?
13. Would you rather have to skip everywhere you go or have to skateboard everywhere?
14. Would you rather shed your skin like a snake or have your hair turn color with the season like a rabbit?
15. Would you rather have to spell everything you say or have to write down everything you say?
16. Would you rather have to go out in public for a whole day wearing only your underwear or have only pajamas to wear for the rest of your life?
17. Would you rather have to talk with a silly accent all the time or not be able to speak at all?
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The Tough Decisions
1. Would you rather stub your toe or bang your funny bone?
2. Would you rather know when you are going to die or have it happen suddenly?
3. Would you rather be buried or cremated?
4. Would you rather walk on a bed of nails or over hot coals?
5. Would you rather be chased by a bear or a cougar?
6. Would you rather hear nails scratch on a chalkboard or the constant screaming of a baby?
7. Would you rather live in captivity or on the streets?
8. Would you rather be rich or experience true love?
9. Would you rather skydive or bungee jump?
10. Would you rather get an unexpected bill in the mail or be in a fender bender?
11. Would you rather break your phone or your computer?
12. Would you rather be born without one of your senses or lose one of your senses later in life?
13. Would you rather not own a fridge or not own a stove?
14. Would you rather never be able to retire or never be able to find a job?
15. Would you rather have to stay in the same house you are in for the rest of your life or be able to move, but you have to move to a new house every year for the rest of your life?
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Some would you rather questions are interesting, some are funny, and some can be tough decisions. No matter what questions you are asking, you are engaging in conversation rather than being glued to your phone all the time. You may learn some interesting things about people you thought you knew everything about already.
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