100 Very Best Conversation Starters

Are your kids about to have a party or a sleepover? Are you worried your kids might get bored on a long journey? Do you need ideas for fun and thought-provoking conversations, to keep them entertained? Or are you a teacher looking for a good ice-breaker, or a getting-to-know-you activity for the first day of school? These ‘Would You Rather…?’ questions are the perfect solution to your problem.
Kids love things that spark their imagination, and these ‘Would You Rather…?’ questions aim to do just that. Some of them are silly, some are funny, and some are simple and very easy to answer. Other questions on the list might take a fair bit of reasoning and thought! Why not ask your kids a mixture of questions to engage their brains? It’s even more fun if everyone says what they would rather, and then you ask them to explain why they chose their answer.
You’ll be surprised by how thoughtful and creative some of your kids’ responses will be. Best of all, there are a whopping 100+ ‘Would You Rather…?’ questions for kids listed below, so there’s plenty to discuss!
Would you rather eat a gross meal once a week, or never eat your favourite meal again?
Would you rather be able to go invisible, or read people’s minds?
Would you rather time travel to the past, or to the future?
Would you rather have teeth for toes, or toes for teeth?
Would you rather see a ghost, or meet an alien?
Would you rather lose your voice forever, or your hearing forever?
Would you rather wear gloves as socks, or socks as gloves?
Would you rather get given £50 a day for life, or £150,000 right away?
Would you rather be fluent in French, or in Japanese?
Would you rather see a unicorn, or a dragon?
Would you rather have every day off school, or win the lottery?
Would you rather live in a place that snows every day, or live in the desert?
Would you rather meet Taylor Swift, or Harry Styles?
Would you rather never use the internet again, or never watch TV again?
Would you rather give up eating chocolate, or fries?
Would you rather eat McDonalds every day, or KFC?
Would you rather be able to predict the future, or change the past?
Would you rather watch a Marvel movie, or a DC movie?
Would you rather live under the sea, or in space?
Would you rather eat a frog to get magic powers, or an ice cream and stay normal?
Would you rather drink snail slime, or skunk spray?
Would you rather stop all crime forever, or get rid of all bad health conditions forever?
Would you rather be stuck in a room with a tiger, or in a pool with a shark?
Would you rather solve a Rubix Cube, or a Magic Eye picture?
Would you rather be an awesome artist, or a brilliant writer?
Would you rather never have a haircut again, or have to have one every day?
Would you rather live inside your favourite movie, or your favourite book?
Would you rather win an Olympic gold, or your favourite football team to never lose?
Would you rather live on a train, or on a boat?
Would you rather get rid of YouTube, or Disney?
Would you rather go in a hot air balloon, or in a submarine?
Would you rather have lots of friends you kind of like, or one friend you really like?
Would you rather burp every time you speak, or fart every time you walk?
Would you rather eat dry pasta for every meal, or plain rice?
Would you rather learn to drive at age 10, or have to wait until you’re 40?
Would you rather be able to speak to animals but never speak English again, or not?
Would you rather invent something awesome, or destroy something terrible?
Would you rather play video games or draw?
Would you rather be as tall as a building, or as small as a mouse?
Would you rather have hair where your fingers should be, or fingers instead of hair?
Would you rather get trapped overnight in a zoo, or a theme park?
Would you rather learn to play the piano, or the guitar?
Would you rather go to a tropical island, or a luxurious hotel?
Would you rather ride an elephant, or swim with dolphins?
Would you rather dance in front of everyone at school, or sing in front of everyone?
Would you rather climb a mountain, or explore underground caves?
Would you rather catch a criminal for the police, or solve a mystery?
Would you rather see the Loch Ness Monster, or Big Foot?
Would you rather eat a mud pie, or drink a glass of sand?
Would you rather be in after-school detention for a year, or have to do chores for a year?
Would you rather have a personal maid, or a personal chef?
Would you rather spend the night in a graveyard, or in a haunted house?
Would you rather have a pause button to stop time, or a rewind button to rewind time?
Would you rather never eat chocolate again, or eat nothing but chocolate for a year?
Would you rather overhear every conversation that is about you, or never be spoken about again?
Would you rather be a vegetarian, or have to eat nothing but meat forever?
Would you rather live in a world with no Harry Potter, or no Disney?
Would you rather that Hogwarts was your school, or design your own school and subjects?
Would you rather meet your parents as kids, or go to the future and meet your own kids?
Would you rather have unlimited wishes, but you can’t have what you want most, or one wish to get what you want most?
Would you rather be on your own for 10 days, or spend 10 days with someone annoying?
Would you rather get rid of birthdays, or get rid of Christmas?
Would you rather change your name to DumDumDizzy, or marry someone called DumDumDizzy?
Would you rather be a good singer, or a good dancer?
Would you rather be able to always tell when someone’s lying, or never tell a lie again?
Would you rather listen to Baby Shark on repeat for a whole year, or never hear music again?
Would you rather live to be 500 but the world is awful, or live to age 40 with a wonderful life?
Would you rather be rich, or famous?
Would you rather eat a pizza with chocolate topping, or a chocolate bar with cheese inside?
Would you rather everyone always heard your farts, or always heard your thoughts?
Would you rather play with 10 cool puppies, or 10 cute kittens?
Would you rather have an annoying song stuck in your head, or always be itchy?
Would you rather your parents see what you’re like in school, or your teachers see what you’re like at home?
Would you rather play Minecraft or Animal Crossing?
Would you rather clean a bathroom with your toothbrush, or a floor with your tongue?
Would you rather eat a whole raw pumpkin, or never celebrate Halloween again?
Would you rather be friends with Bart Simpson, or Lisa Simpson?
Would you rather give up brushing your hair forever, or brushing your teeth forever?
Would you rather be a kid forever, or live forever at age 80?
Would you rather be rich but have no friends, or be poor but everyone likes you?
Would you rather lose your sense of taste, or lose one possession every day?
Would you rather be the best at math, or the worst at PE?
Would you rather have a stone stuck in your shoe forever, or always have a blocked nose?
Would you rather live in an enchanted forest, or in a castle in the sky?
Would you rather visit heaven for a day to see what it’s like, or hell for an hour to see what it’s like?
Would you rather always laugh in sad situations, or always cry in happy situations?
Would you rather play a board game with family, or play video games by yourself?
Would you rather always forget everyone’s birthday, or everyone forgets your birthday?
Would you rather have one wish granted right now, or five wishes granted ten years from now?
Would you rather wear one outfit for the rest of your life, or eat one meal for the rest of your life?
Would you rather be able to shapeshift, or teleport?
Would you rather be the oldest sibling, or the youngest sibling?
Would you rather be a famous YouTuber, or a famous T.V. star?
Would you rather have to wash your face with custard, or take a bath in spaghetti?
Would you rather go to China, or Japan?
Would you rather live in a shoe that smells really nice, or a nice house that smells like a shoe?
Would you rather bees couldn’t sting, or dogs couldn’t bite?
Would you rather never read a book again, or never watch a movie again?
Would you rather go flying in an Iron Man suit, or go tiny in an Ant Man suit?
Would you rather eat ten raw potatoes now, or never eat potato chips (crisps) again?
Would you rather be too hot, or too cold?
Would you rather be able to make fire with your hands, or water with your hands?
Would you rather be a genius, or an inventor?
Would you rather do 1000 sit-ups, or 1000 push-ups?
Would you rather have an allergy to chocolate, or to soda?
Would you rather have super strength, or super speed?
Would you rather jump into a pool of ice cubes once, or have every shower be too hot?
Would you rather live without warm clothes, or have to wear them all year round?
Would you rather lose all your memories, or lose one million dollars?
Would you rather have wings like a bird, or gills like a fish?
Would you rather eat 10 hot dogs in a row or 10 cheeseburgers in a row?
Would you rather only be allowed to only eat ice cream all summer or only eat popsicles all summer?
Would you rather eat pancakes or waffles?
Would you rather eat breakfast for dinner or dinner for breakfast?
Would you rather eat at restaurants for the entire month or make your own food at home for the entire month?
Would you rather eat cookies or brownies?
Would you rather eat spaghetti or ravioli?
Would you rather put cheese or ketchup on all your food for one day?
Would you rather have rainbow or chocolate sprinkles on your ice cream?
Would you rather be in a taco or hot dog eating contest?
Would you rather eat hot or cold foods?
Would you rather have to eat all your food with a spoon or a fork for one week?
Would you rather eat pizza or tacos every Friday night for six years?
Would you rather eat cereal or eggs every morning for breakfast?
Would you rather have a PB&J or a grilled cheese for lunch everyday for the entire school year?
Would you rather have to eat standing up or sitting down for one year?
Would you rather have to go to work from 9am-5pm or from 10pm-6am?
Would you rather be a math teacher or a gym teacher?
Would you rather be rich but have a job you hate or be poor and have a job you love?
Would you rather be a singer or a dancer?
Would you rather be a fashion designer or an astronaut?
Would you rather be a scientist in the jungle or the desert?
Would you rather be a painter or a musician?
Would you rather work in a city or on a farm?
Would you rather work for a big company with thousands of workers or work for a small company with 20 workers?
Would you rather be a famous soccer player or a famous swimmer?
Would you rather be an athlete in the Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics?
Would you rather be a news reporter for the Super Bowl or for the World Series?
Would you rather be a doctor that helps kids or elderly people?
Would you rather be a surgeon on people or on animals?
Would you rather be a pizza chef or a baker?
Would you rather write picture books or chapter books?
Would you rather be a poet or a sculptor?
Would you rather work from home in an office?
Would you rather be a lifeguard or a camp counselor?
Would you rather be in the army or in the navy?
Would you rather be a truck driver or a pilot?
Would you rather be a spy or a famous actor?
Would you rather be able to fly or be able to walk mega fast?
Would you rather be invisible or be able to turn into the size of a mouse?
Would you rather be a wizard or a dragon?
Would you rather be able to speak any language or speak to animals?
Would you rather be able to turn into a cat or turn into a lizard?
Would you rather be able to time travel to the past or to the future?
Would you rather have super strength or super speed?
Would you rather be able to read someone’s mind or be able to erase mistakes?
Would you rather be able to heal someone who is sick or make everyone be kind to one another?
Would you rather be super stretchy or become a giant?
Would you rather be at a lake or at a beach?
Would you rather visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris or Big Ben in London?
Would you rather travel by car or by train?
Would you rather fly to vacation or take a cruise ship?
Would you rather go to Disney World or Disneyland?
Would you rather go camping or stay in a hotel?
Would you rather climb Mt. Everest or go deep sea fishing?
Would you rather go on a safari in Africa or visit a rainforest?
Would you rather go skiing or snowboarding?
Would you rather see a polar bear or an elephant?
Would you rather ride a horse or a camel?
Would you rather hang out with a monkey or a gorilla?
Would you rather study animals in the ocean or in the desert?
Would you rather camp in a tent or a cabin?
Would you rather go on vacation somewhere warm or somewhere cold?
Would you rather go swimming with dolphins or with sharks?
Would you rather travel to Italy or to Ireland?
Would you rather see a moose or a peacock on vacation?
Would you rather go surfing or snorkeling?
Would you rather ride a scooter or a bike?
Would you rather jump rope or play hopscotch?
Would you rather swim in a pool or in the ocean?
Would you rather play tennis with a partner or play solo?
Would you rather win one gold medal or two silver medals in the Olympics?
Would you rather be a famous basketball or a baseball player?
Would you rather practice with your team in the morning or at night?
Would you rather be a dancer or a gymnast?
Would you rather run or swim 10 miles?
Would you rather be able to do a flip or a cartwheel?
Would you rather score or save the game winning goal in soccer?
Would you rather go rollerblading or ice skating?
Would you rather go sledding or cuddle up on the couch on a snow day?
Would you rather be the fastest person in the world or the strongest?
Would you rather play outside when it’s warm and sunny or when it’s cold and snowy?
Would you rather shovel snow or rake leaves?
Would you rather forget to wear sunglasses when it’s sunny or forget a hat when it’s cold?
Would you rather be super sweaty or super chilly?
Would you rather wear gloves or mittens?
Would you rather meet the President of the United States or the King of England?
Would you rather meet Lebron James or Derek Jeter?
Would you rather meet Simone Biles or Mia Hamm?
Would you rather meet Zac Efron or Miley Cyrus?
Would you rather have to walk backwards forever or speak backwards forever?
Would you rather have to sing everything for a day or not be able to talk?
Would you rather have to do 100 jumping jacks or 100 push ups?
Would you rather go to school year round with five two week long breaks or have a regular summer break?
Would you rather go to school 8am-3pm or from 10am-5pm?
Would you rather be a famous magician or a motivational speaker?
Would you rather vacuum the whole house or deep clean the kitchen?
Would you rather grow all your own food or buy groceries?
Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?
Would you rather watch only movies or only television shows for five years?
Would you rather ride an elephant or a camel?
Would you rather eat one bar of chocolate or two popsicles?
Would you rather be a wizard or a knight?
Would you rather be able to fly or breathe underwater?
Would you rather ride a dragon or be rich?
Would you rather be really pretty or be really smart?
Would you rather swim with dolphins or swim with turtles?
Would you rather be an amazing dancer or an amazing singer?
Would you rather play football or hide and seek?
Would you rather play with a group of friends or your best friend?
Would you rather go to the playground or go to the swimming pool?
Would you rather be poor but famous, or be rich but no one knows you?
Would you rather go to the circus or to a theme park?
Would you rather play video games or play board games?
Would you rather live in a pineapple-like Spongebob or live under a rock like Patrick?
Would you rather eat at McDonald’s or eat at Spongebob’s restaurant?
Would you rather spend the day with Aladdin or with Mowgli?
Would you rather be able to breathe fire or breathe underwater?
Would you rather meet your favorite celebrity or meet the president?
Would you rather be able to do magic or be able to read minds?
Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?
Would you rather have an endless amount of money but no friends, or tons of friends but no money?
Would you rather own a horse or a bear?
Would you rather go camping or visit Hollywood?
Would you rather eat an apple or a banana?
Would you rather live in a cartoon of your choice or live in a movie of your choice?
Would you rather eat a cucumber or grapes?
Would you rather drink water or milk?
Would you rather eat a worm or a fly?
Would you rather eat a brownie for breakfast or a cupcake?
Would you rather be a policeman or a firefighter?
Would you rather go on a roller coaster or on the swinging chairs?
Would you rather be able to eat anything whenever you want, or be able to buy anything whenever you want?
Would you rather be a teacher or a cook?
Would you rather be the president or a celebrity?
Would you rather make a movie or write a book?
Would you rather be an actor or watch movies?
Would you rather be able to talk to animals or pause time?
Would you rather be able to drive a car or fly a plane?
Would you rather have a helicopter or a cruise ship?
Would you rather go on holiday with your parents or your friends?
Would you rather go to the zoo when you want or go to a theme park whenever you want?
Would you rather be a football star or a basketball star?
Would you rather have superpowers or be rich?
Would you rather be queen/king of a castle or live in the woods?
Would you rather befriend a witch or befriend a troll?
Would you rather always eat Nutella or always eat peanut butter?
Would you rather be the smartest kid in school or be the coolest kid in school?
Would you rather see the future or be able to change the past?
Would you rather have a bowl filled with candy or a bowl filled with ice cream?
Would you rather eat a grilled cheese sandwich or mac ‘n cheese?
Would you rather stay your age forever or be old really fast?
Would you rather paint your hair blue or red?
Would you rather choose what your parents wear for 1 week or choose what you eat for 1 week?
Would you rather be the boss of a big company or do what you love but not earn much?
Would you rather be a superhero or a magic wizard?
Would you rather be the author of a best-selling book or star in a movie?
Would you rather have a snowball fight or a water balloon fight?
Would you rather never have homework again or be paid to do your homework?
Would you rather eat a whole onion or eat a whole can of sardines?
Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or be able to run on top of the water?
Would you rather have the ability to fly or have the ability to read minds?
Would you rather play inside or play outside?
Would you rather be really cold or be really hot?
Would you rather be able to smell only bad-smelling things or never be able to smell again?
Would you rather eat cake or eat ice cream?
Would you rather have 3 arms or have only 1 leg?
Would you rather have a pet rat or a pet spider?
Would you rather be on a small boat or be on a large ship?
Would you rather be stranded on a desert island or be stranded in the forest?
Would you rather have the talent to play any musical instrument that there is or have the talent to speak every language there is?
Would you rather go fishing or go hiking?
Would you rather have all the food you ever wanted or have all the toys you ever wanted?
Would you rather have super speed or super strength?
Would you rather be given $10 every day for the rest of your life or be given $$1,000 only once?
Would you rather swim indoors or outdoors?
Would you rather stay up really late or wake up really early?
Would you rather never have homework again or never take a test again?
Would you rather live where you are forever or move to another country?
Would you rather brush your teeth using two-month-old milk or a bar of soap?
Would you rather have your own robot or a jetpack?
Would you rather own an elephant-sized mouse or a mouse-sized elephant?
Would you rather eat chicken-flavored cookies or onion-flavored ice cream?
Would you rather ride on a personal jet or your own helicopter?
Would you rather be a bird or a fish?
Would you rather be stung by a bee once or be bitten by a mosquito 10 times?
Would you rather be stuck on a rocketship floating through space or stuck in a boat in the middle of the ocean?
Would you rather have a million dollars in pennies or a hundred million dollars worth of candy?
Would you rather go bungee jumping or skydiving?
Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet dinosaur?
Would you rather swim in a pool of mud or swim in a pool of pudding?
Would you rather receive a shot from your doctor or get a cavity filled by your dentist?
Would you rather be the fastest swimmer in the world be the second-fastest runner in the world?
Would you rather live in a treehouse for the rest of your life or live in a boathouse for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have a new candy named after you or a newly discovered animal named after you?
Would you rather be the head of secret services for the president or be a superhero that never gains recognition?
Would you rather own a company that no one knows about or work for the most famous company in the world?
Would you rather know the lyrics to every song ever written or be able to speak five different languages?
Would you rather be unable to talk ever again or only be able to speak at a loud volume whenever you speak?
Would you rather have the power to understand animals when they speak but be unable for them to understand you, or have the power to speak to animals in their language without being able to understand them in return?
Would you rather have everything you ever wanted and needed given to you or have the money for everything you ever wanted and needed?
Would you rather be able to draw really good or be able to sing really good?
Would you rather be a superhero that no one knows or be a supervillain that everyone knows?
Would you rather eat fast food for every meal for the rest of your life or never be able to eat fast food again?
Would you rather be the King/Queen of another country or be the President of the United States?
Would you rather know the correct answer for every test you take or never have to take another test again?
Would you rather be the smartest kid at your school or be the best kid at sports in your school?
Would you rather own 10 puppies or own 10 kittens?
Would you rather travel around the world or travel through time?
Would you rather eat a bowl of worms or eat a single spider?
Would you rather have the power to be invisible or have the power to read people’s minds?
Would you rather eat a whole lemon or a whole raw potato?
Would you rather have the ability to fly or have the ability to breathe underwater?
Would you rather have only one best friend for the rest of your life or have 10 best friends that live in other countries?
Would you rather be shrunk down to the size of a bug or become the size of a whale?
Would you rather swim in the ocean with sharks or be stuck in a cage with a lion?
Would you rather be a maid for the dirtiest person in the world or be a chef for someone who eats all day long?
Would you rather take a day trip to the zoo or a day trip to the beach?
Would you rather be a scientist or a brain surgeon?
Would you rather travel back in time or travel to the future?
Would you rather it be Christmas every day or it be your birthday every day?
Would you rather have hair that changes color based on the temperature or have eyes that change color depending on the mood that you’re in?
Would you rather have three free wishes or be the richest person on Earth?
Would you rather swim with the dolphins or fly with the birds?
Would you rather have the ability to see through walls or have the ability to walk through walls?
Would you rather live next to your parents in your own house or live with your parents in a mansion for the rest of your life?
Would you rather have a pet monkey or be a lion tamer?
Would you rather take a trip around the world but never be able to stop to see anything or be unable to ever leave the state you live in again?
Would you rather travel by plane or travel by hot air balloon?
Would you rather know and understand sign language or have the ability to read lips?
Would you rather ride on an elephant or a giraffe?
Would you rather eat a whole cake or a box of ice cream?
Would you rather go sledging on a cold day or swimming on a hot day?
Would you rather be able to fly or be as strong as your favourite superhero?
Would you rather make the table or clean up your toys?
Would you rather eat a chocolate kiss or a lollipop?
Would you rather go to the aquarium or the zoo?
Would you rather play the trumpet or the flute?
Would you rather ride in a convertible or on the back of a motorcycle?
Would you rather have a pet goat or a pet chicken?
Would you rather eat cooked spinach or cooked broccoli?
Would you rather have a cat or a dog?
Would you rather eat a donut or a cookie?
Would you rather be a teacher or a doctor?
Would you rather be a firefighter or a police officer?