The air’s getting cooler, the leaves have fallen from the trees, the nights are getting longer and the days are getting shorter. Transitioning from summer to autumn can be tough, especially if you’re a sun worshipper!
But the golden season isn’t so bad, and here are some fabulous fall jokes for you to chuckle to while you cuddle up under a blanket with a delicious hot chocolate.
70 Autumn Jokes to Get You Through the Fall
- Jokes about fall
What’s James Bond’s favourite hot drink?
Pumpkin spy-ced latte
What’s a monkey’s favourite vegetable?
What do farmers wear under their shirt when they’re cold?
A har-vest
What do tuna fish love to drink in fall?
Mulled brine
What’s Voltaires favourite dessert?
Candide apples
What’s an octopus’ favourite party?
What’s the best cutlery to use at a bonfire party?
Guy forks
What kind of car do Brits drive at fall?
An autumn-atic
Why does humpty dumpty love autumn so much?
Because he had a great fall
How many books do you read at fall?
I usually leaf through a couple of them
Next: 50 Thanksgiving Jokes
Why did the pumpkin lose the boxing match?
He let his gourd down
What’s a fires least favourite month?
What do lumberjacks shout at the start of fall?
Why do you never see deer hiding in trees?
Because they’re really good at it
Why do deer paint their balls red?
To hide in berry trees
What’s the loudest sound in the forest at autumn?
A squirrel eating berries from the tree
Who are the most religious people on McDonalds?
Which pigs hide in bushes?
What’s a hobbits favourite party ?
A bon-shire party
What’s the best band to listen to in autumn?
The Spice Girls
How should you hunt wild boar in the fall?
With an autumn-atic rifle
Why was the tree annoyed with the children?
They wouldn’t leaf him alone
Next: 80 Snow & Winter Jokes
What’s the most dangerous weather?
Brisk fall weather
Why do birds fly south for the fall?
Because it’s quicker than walking
Why did the conker get a sore throat?
Because it was a hoarse chestnut
Why did the apple look down on the carrot?
Because he was a toff-ee apple
What’s Prince’s favourite vegetable?
A little red courgette
Why did the tree decide to start taking art classes?
She wanted to branch out
What’s a pumpkins favourite sparkling wine?
Who’s a ghoul’s favourite artist?
Edvard Monster Munch
What’s a strangler’s favourite soup?
Garrot and coriander
Why did the squirrel change banks?
He was unhappy with his current account
Where does Neil Young put his cornflakes?
On this harvest spoon
What’s the best kind of weather for growing guns and roses?
November rain
Why did the courgette, the pumpkin and the butternut squash get on so well?
They were gourd friends
Knock knock
Whos there?
Aunt who
Aunt you glad it’s fall?
Why did the squirrel call the tree a liar?
He couldn’t be-leaf a word he said
Why did no one laugh at the oak tree?
He kept telling acorn-y jokes
What’s the biggest fall phenomenon in Australia?
The Great Barrier Leaf
Why did the scarecrow win a Nobel Prize?
He was outstanding in his field
Who plays James Bond best in an autumn orchard?
Pears Brosnan
Why was nobody scared of the tree?
His bark was worse than his bite
What did the ground say when fall came?
Well that’s a re-leaf
Why do people with vertigo hate autumn?
In case they have a bad fall
What do the leaves say when before they hibernate?
Rake me up when September ends
Why did the Jack-o’-Lantern look after the pie?
They were pump-kin
What do you call a smashed pumpkin?
What’s the saddest side dish?
Sweet potato cries
What do trees say when autumn comes?
Don’t leaf me this way
Why was the trampoline cold?
She didn’t have a jumper
What do cars eat in the fall?
Chestnuts roasting on an open tire
What do pirates wear at autumn?
Pumpkin patches
What did the gardener do when he accidentally raked up a dead body?
Gasped in disbe-leaf
What should you do when you witness a crime in the forest?
Report it to the leaf of police
Why should you always eat mushrooms in the morning?
It’s the breakfast of champignons
What do you call a sheep on a trampoline?
A woolly jumper
What did the farmer tell the crying apple orchard keeper to do?
Grow a pear
What kind of key can’t open doors?
A tur-key
Why was the autumn vegetable stew so valuable?
It contained 24 carat gourd
What do turkeys eat for dessert?
Peach gobbler
What do you call the ghost of a chicken?
A poultry-geist
Why’s it so easy to trick a leaf in October?
They fall for anything
Why is autumn the proudest season?
It’s fall of it
Which pumpkins can swim the best?
The coast gourd
What do short-sighted ghouls wear?
What’s a ghost’s favourite nursery rhyme?
Little BOO Peep
Why didn’t they let the fat epileptic into the Halloween party?
He didn’t fit
Which emperor do skeletons love the most?
Napoleon Bone-aparte
Why are apples so bad in interrogations?
They always crumble
What’s the devils favourite spice?