60 Very Best Mom Names From Pop Culture

Join us as we take a deep dive through the interwebs and discover a land that’s riddled with who/what am I brain teasers and puns. These riddles can be a real test of your brain power and also your will power (if you get stuck on any and don’t want to check the answer straight away, that is!), You’ll soon find out while reading through these wordplay tricks and riddles, that everything can have a different meaning – you just need to look hard enough! So without further ado, here is the list of…
1. I may have eyes, but I don’t use them to see. I’m kept in the dark until you need me, what am I?
Answer – A Potato
2. Always a part, never a whole. If only half grows, I shrink. What am I?
Answer – A Fraction
3. I’m so fragile, even just saying my name could break me. What am I?
Answer – Silence
4. I have hands, but I cannot clap. What am I?
Answer – A Clock
5. I’ve been here for millions of years, but I am never more than a month old. What am I?
Answer – The Moon
6. I can make one person into two. What am I?
Answer – A Mirror
7. I have a lot of teeth, but I cannot bite. I’m used often during the day, but rarely at night. What am I?
Answer – A Comb
8. I build up castles and I tear down mountains. I make some people blind but I help others to see. What am I?
Answer – Sand
9. If you lose me, there’s a good chance you will make other people lose me as well. What am I?
Answer – Your Temper
10.I can be cracked, I can be played. I can be told and I can be made. What am I?
Answer – A Joke
11. I sound like one letter, but written with three. I show you everything when you look through me. What am I?
Answer – Your Eyes
12.You can hold me in your hands, even though I can fill an entire room. What am I?
Answer – A Lightbulb
13.If someone was to carry my burden, they’d crush to death. And even though I’m not rich, I leave silver in my trail. What am I?
Answer – A snail
14.I can be long or I can be short. I can be bought or I can be grown. I can be painted or I can be bare, I can be round or I can be square. What am I?
Answer – Your Fingernails
15.When I am skinny, I am fast. When I am fat, I am slow. But I’ll still bring you delight from your eyes to your nose. What am I?
Answer – A Candle
16.I can fly but I have no wings. I can cry but I have no eyes. What am I?
Answer – A Cloud
17. When spelled correctly, you do it everyday. When spelled backwards, I’m something you hate. What am I?
Answer – LIVE
18.I come from a mine then get surrounded by wood. Everyone uses me. What am I?
Answer – A Pencil
19.If you turn me on my side, I am everything. If you cut me in half, I am nothing. What am I?
Answer – The Number 8
20.All around the house, with my lady I dance. Yet, I’m always working and never romance. What am I?
Answer – A Broom
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21.I am not alive but I have 5 fingers. What am I?
Answer – A Glove
22.I look at you, you look at me. I raise my right hand, you raise your left. What am I?
Answer – Your Reflection
23.You need to break me before you can use me. What am I?
Answer – An Egg
24.When I am young, I am tall. When I am old, I am short. What am I?
Answer – A Candle
25.I’m able to hold lots of water, despite being covered in holes. What am I?
Answer – A Sponge
26.I’m a question that you can never answer if it’s true. What am I?
Answer – “Are you asleep yet?”
27.I’m always right in front of you, but you can never see me. What am I?
Answer – The Future
28.I’m a month with 28 days. Who am I?
Answer – All of them
29.I can be broken, even if you never pick me up or touch me. What am I?
Answer – A Promise
30.I can always go up, but I can never come down. What am I?
Answer – Your Age
31. I get wet while you get dry. What am I?
Answer – A Towel
31.I can be kept, even after you give me to someone. What am I?
Answer – Your Word
32.I shave all day everyday but my beard stays the same. Who am I?
Answer – A Barber
33.I have a lot of branches, but no fruits, a trunk or leaves. What am I?
Answer – A Bank
34.I can’t talk, but I will always answer you. Who am I?
Answer – Your Echo
35.The more there is of me, the less you will see. What am I?
Answer – The Dark
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36.I follow you all the time and copy your every move, but you can never touch me or catch me. Who am I?
Answer – Your Shadow
37.I have lots of keys but I can never open a door. What am I?
Answer – A Piano
38.You can hold me in your left hand, but not your right. What am I?
Answer – Your Right Elbow
39.I’m Black when I’m clean, but white when I’m dirty. What am I?
Answer – A Chalkboard
40.The more you take, the bigger I get. What am I?
Answer – A Hole
42. I’m as light as a feather, but even the strongest people in the world can’t hold me for 10 minutes. What am I?
Answer – Your Breath
43. I’m found in scarves, socks and mittens, and often in the hands of kittens. What am I?
Answer – Yarn
44. I’m the only place that today is before yesterday. Who am I?
Answer – A Dictionary
45. I can give you the ability to look through walls. What am I?
Answer – A Window
46. If you’ve got me, you want to share me. If you share me, you can’t keep me. What am I?
Answer – A Secret
47. I can go up or down, but I cannot move. What am I?
Answer – Stairs
48. I belong to you, but other people use me a lot more often than you do. Who am I?
Answer – Your Name
49. I have one eye, but still can’t see. Who am I?
Answer – A Needle
50. I have lots of needles, but I’m unable to sew. What am I?
Answer – A Christmas Tree
51. I have legs, but I cannot walk. What am I?
Answer – A Table
52. I have one head, one foot and four legs. What am I?
Answer – A Bed
53. You can catch me but never throw me. What am I?
Answer – The Cold
54. I’m a band that can’t play songs. What am I?
Answer – A Rubber Band
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55. You cut me on a table but can’t eat me. What am I?
Answer – A Deck of Cards
56. I have every word, but never speak. What am I?
Answer – Books
57. I run all the way along gardens, but I never move. What am I?
Answer – A Fence
58. I travel around the world without ever moving. Who am I?
Answer – A Stamp
59. I have a thumb and 4 fingers but I’m not a hand. What am I?
Answer – A glove
60. I have a head and a tail but no body. What am I?
Answer – A Coin
61. I have lots of stories but can’t speak. What am I?
Answer – Skyscrapers
62. I taste a lot better than I smell. What am I?
Answer – Your Tongue
63. I have 13 hearts, but no other organs. What am I?
Answer – Deck of Cards
64. I stalk the countryside with ears that can’t hear. Who am I?
Answer – Corn
65. My coat is always best when wet. What am I?
Answer – Paint
66. I always have a bottom at my top. What am I?
Answer – Legs
67. I’m an odd number that takes away 1 letter to get even. Who am I?
Answer – Seven
68. I’m a 5 letter word that becomes shorter by adding 2 letters to me. What am I?
Answer – Short
69. I’m always found in the middle of Toronto. What am I?
Answer – O
70. The more of me you take, the more that gets left behind. What am I?
Answer – Footsteps
71. Make me, save me, change me, raise me. What am I?
Answer – Money
72. I go through every city but I never move. What am I?
Answer – Roads
73. I’m always hungry and die when not fed. But everything I touch will soon turn red. What am I?
Answer – Fire
74. You can use me, but never see or feel me. What am I?
Answer – Coffin
75. I join things together by biting them. What am I?
Answer – A Stapler
And there you have it. 75 of the very best “Who/What am I?” riddles to brighten your day! Share these with your friends, family and other loved ones, and make yourself seem like a real brain-box at every get-together!
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