Don’t know how to lighten the mood in a meeting or what to write to a guy to make him remember you?
This article contains questions and answers to help you cope with the aforementioned challenges. 75 riddles of varying degrees of difficulty that will make you think and smile. Don’t put off the fun for later, start with the easy riddles right now. And be careful, some answers are in the questions themselves.
Easy short riddles
How do you get water in your hands without any containers, so it doesn’t spill?
At the age of 23, the orphan got parents, how would he call them?
What can’t a person eat for breakfast?
What is the shortest word in the English language that a child learns when he begins to learn to speak?
What is visible during the day but not at night?
What can be created but not invented?
People eat different kinds of food all the time to diversify their meals and to avoid getting bored with the same foods. But there is something that we won’t get tired of consuming for as long as we live. What’s that?
The longest English word sounds like Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanokoniosis, what are the most identical things in it?
What burns the most calories and requires no effort in doing so?
Can date 32’s at a time, but can’t break with it. To stop their relationship, one of them must die. What is it?
What do 194 different countries have in common?
How many digits in the number 100 are greater than 0?
It doesn’t disappear either day or night, it shines 24/7, but we only see it half the day.
Which weighs more, a kilo of cement or a kilo of inflated balloons?
A wasp flew into the room while Kira was eating watermelon, what is the first thing she should cover to get the least discomfort?
Liam is now on page 140 of the book, how many more pages does he need to read to finish the story?
What is green in spring, yellow in summer, and red in fall?
Which book is impossible to read?
Which city in the world has never lost its light?
Mountains withstand earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, but there is a mountain that can be blown away by the wind. Which one?
What kind of clothes can’t be taken off a person?
Burns fast, flutters in the wind and can be the toy for the game with your kitten. What is it?
These Arabic and Roman inscriptions are understood by everyone who has been in school and is over 10 years old. What are they?
Can stand at the end, but never in the middle, and his friend is only in the middle, but never at the end. What is it?
What weighs a lot even though it seems light?
Which day will never come?
Which invisible superhero can move objects?
How many words beginning with the letter ‘m’ exist?
How do you keep from getting wet in rainy weather?
How should you exercise to get results?
What do you find in the middle of Paris? Paris
If you throw a white stone into the Black Sea, what will it become?
Challenging short riddles
For whom the letter was written, if on the place for recipient there is only one number and letter?
You can’t see it in the dark, but in the light, you want to steal it. Everyone who watches it says that something they are feeling.
How to fill a container with more water than it can hold?
The human body consists of 2 arms, legs, eyes, ears, nose, kidneys, lungs heart, liver, ureter and over 200 bones. What is the largest human organ?
How many days can an open carton of milk stay in the refrigerator?
There were 3 scientists in the basement without windows, they were doing experiments on 8 rats, by the evening 2 rats had died and there were only 7 rats left. How could this happen?
A beautiful blondie woman was cooking in the kitchen, when her husband called her, she brought brought a fresh pastry, what was it?
Which animal has 2 different kinds of wild creatures hidden in it?
An American businessman opened an account in Cyprus, and the secretary sent a handwritten code, so the businessman could change the “password”. He tried 6 times, but the program wouldn’t let him out, writing that there was an error in the code. Where could there be an error if the code is 18F92KS00WE0DLSM0SB
A writer wrote a 270-page book and gave it to an editor. He sent the manuscript back to him and told him to fix the word mistakes phenoumeunon. How many mistakes did he make in that word?
Brad put the phone on charge overnight at 1 a.m. He accidentally woke up at 4 a.m. and checked to see that the phone was not charging, even though there was electricity and the charger was working properly. Why?
Katerina, born in Ukraine on September 1, 2001, went to visit her American pen-friend for the summer vacation and showed her ID in an American store and was sold alcohol, although by law she is under 21 and cannot officially buy it. How did this happen?
If you were offered $1,000 to sleep an hour on your choice of nails or roses, which would be the best choice to do the least amount of damage?
What animal is black only in the shade, but bright in the light?
There are hundreds of varieties of doctors in the world, and each of them treats and saves their patients. All but one. Who are we talking about?
Eric wanted to buy a laptop on sale for $1,200, and the full price of the laptop was $1,400. Eric ended up paying $1,400, why?
Which sign when turned 45 degrees can multiply the solution to solving a problem?
I wear makeup every day, but my face stays clean. What am I?
Jenny’s parents have 4 children: Lisa, George, Gloria, and one other. What is the name of the 4th child?
How do you get 5 signatures from your neighbors who have gone on vacation within 5 minutes?
What should a stressed out person who is overweight and overeating do?
An object is always warm before it gets there and never hot afterwards, what is it?
What is the main secret to any magic trick?
What color can be achieved by mixing colors in theory, but not in practice?
Three lawyers claim that Jenny is their sister. But Jenny says she has no sisters. How many sisters does Jenny end up with?
Whose song can’t be heard while being dry?
You can’t see it in the dark, but add some light and you’ll see someone who pretends to be a sibling your and wants to be free out of frames and eyes, watching through all of this.
Hole in the wall that takes your soul. At the night looks as a mirror, at the day time as a gift, everyone should understand now that we are talking about …
Funny short riddles
Which social network was created specially for you?
Without food we won’t last 7 days, without water we won’t last 3 days, and without it, we won’t last 5 minutes even. What is it?
What are the 3 words most commonly used in the world?
By making contact, an engineer was promoted. What was the contact?
Which search program has 2 omniscient eyes?
Which 2 emblems were unofficially motivated for creation by cat’s muzzle?
What is the name of the cat that the whole world feels sorry for?
How does a true Marvel fan differ from one who only tries to be one?
Who works only one day a year, receives no salary from the government, but is not poor?
What piece of paper does no one really need, but people spend money and years of their lives for it?
A driver is driving at 140 km per hour, and notices a traffic jam of cops ahead. What is the first thing he needs to do to keep himself alive?
What kind of paper helps solve problems?
Who has two eyes when he sleeps and four when he is awake?
What do you see once in February, twice in August, and not at all in October?
What is the difference between turkey and Turkey?
More Riddles
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154 Trick Questions // 154 Funny Riddles // 73 Brain Teasers
82 Hard Riddles // 73 Dirty Riddles // 73 What Am I Riddles // 37 Egg Riddles