69 Very Dirty Pick Up Lines to Say to a Guy

Sometimes few questions are enough to get to know someone. In order to find out some interesting details about random person and their characteristics there are bunch of trendy games such as “truth or dare” and “never have I ever”, but nowadays popular social media platform called Tiktok gave us another great idea. “Put a finger down if” challenge is spreading rapidly.
Rules are easy: You have to put one finger down if your answer to the question is “yes”. There are different editions in Tiktok, for example, toxic edition, girly-girl edition, best friends edition and etc.
For today we have a huge list of interesting and creative put-a-finger down questions, divided into the following categories: general, emotional, childhood, girl, and funny questions. If you are looking for an idea to spice up your conversations with random unknown people, you’ve come to the right place. In order to enjoy our list of 55 put a finger down if questions continue reading.
Put a finger down if you read an entire book in a day.
Put a finger down if you ever fallen asleep in class.
Put a finger down if you ever lied in a job interview.
Put a finger down if you are scared of insects.
Put a finger down if you love watching horror movies.
Put a finger down if you have a huge crush on Harry Styles.
Put a finger down if you cut/dye your own hair
Put a finger down if your sleep schedule is messy.
Put a finger down if you laugh when kids fall.
Put a finger down if you wear socks in bed.
Put a finger down if you ever pretended to be in a music video while listening to it.
Next: 150 Juicy Never Have I Ever for Teens
Put a finger down if you cry when you’re angry.
Put a finger down if you ever cried because of animal’s death in a movie.
Put a finger down if you love deep conversations.
Put a finger down if you have constant mood swings.
Put a finger down if you often zone out during a fun time with friends.
Put a finger down if you are an overthinker.
Put a finger down if you get attached to people easily.
Put a finger down if you ever had an urge to delete all social media apps.
Put a finger down if you ever cried for absolutely no reason at all.
Put a finger down if you ever replayed a song, because it didn’t make you sad enough.
Next: 127 Most Likely To Questions
Put a finger down if you ever broken a bone.
Put a finger down if you ever faked sick to stay at home.
Put a finger down if you cried because of seeing someone else cry.
Put a finger down if you ever looked yourself up on Google.
Put a finger down if you ever tried opening a fridge door just enough to see the light go on and off.
Put a finger down if you ever got lost in a store.
Put a finger down if you used a pencil to poke holes in an eraser.
Put a finger down if you used to draw the sun in the corner of the page.
Put a finger down if you ever watched a raindrop race.
Put a finger down if you ever stuck your arms into a t-shirt and pretended you’ve lost them.
Put a finger down if you ever tried to push all the colors down on your 6-colored pen.
Put a finger down if you ever just put your hand in the air for no reason.
Next: 82 Would You Rather Questions You Just Cannot Answer
Put a finger down if you ever gone on a blind date.
Put a finger down if you ever worn something you took out from a dirty laundry.
Put a finger down if you embarrassed yourself trying to look cool in front of people.
Put a finger down if you texted someone “I’m on my way” but you still were in your house.
Put a finger down if you ever canceled your plans because you didn’t feel like going.
Put a finger down if you ever worn a scrunchie on your wrist just for style.
Put a finger down if you care about how you look more than how you feel.
Put a finger down if you ever saved a picture of you crying.
Put a finger down if you have more than 3 steps in your skincare routine.
Put a finger down if you only shaved some parts of your legs (what’s going to be seen).
Put a finger down if you ever scheduled your washing days according to your plans.
Next: 190 This or That Questions
Put a finger down if you ever laughed so hard that you spit out your drink.
Put a finger down if you ever checked someone’s snap score or location to see if were ignoring you.
Put a finger down if you imagine fake scenarios in your head.
Put a finger down if you talk to yourself.
Put a finger down if you shuffle your playlist but skipping till you find the song you want.
Put a finger down if you play out arguments in your head.
Put a finger down if you are still sleeping with your stuffed animals.
Put a finger down if you walked into a sliding glass door because you thought it was open.
Put a finger down if it takes you a while to understand a joke.
Put a finger down if you ever dropped your phone on your face.
Put a finger down if you ever apologized to an object after bumping into it.
Next: 200 Q and A Questions To Ask Anyone