Your friends say the meanest things sometimes, don’t they?
That can be a good thing. It’s your chance to pounce. Though, it’s not always easy to think of a comeback on the spot. You could be…dumbass partners in crime? No, you want something witty, something to cut them to their core. You don’t want to match their ridiculousness. Worse, you don’t want them to have the last word, So, we’ve compiled a list here of 100 comebacks that you might want to use the next time your friend hurts you or makes you mad. Don’t delay. Make sure you commit these to memory.
Good Comebacks
You hit the nail right on the head. Too bad your parents took it literally.
Is part 2 of your argument coming out soon or is that it?
The fact that someone wakes up to your face in the morning should be alarming. And yes, I’m referring to the mirror as well.
Don’t worry. Everyone makes mistakes. Your parents, for one.
No amount of self-editing can fix the massive failure your autobiography would be.
Earth has a population of over 7 billion, and I had to meet the biggest loser imaginable.
A corpse is better company than you.
The series of mental backflips I had to do to try and understand your point should have broken my neck.
Your ignorance makes my racist uncle look like Albert Einstein.
You’re the corner piece to an unsolvable puzzle: everyone looks right past you.
You’re the type of person that uses their 3rd grade research paper as a resume booster.
Your skin is glowing, but I think it’s from the radiation emanating from your toxic ass personality.
I’ve never had many life goals. I’m just really grateful I’m not you.
I would like some tips on how to clear my mind from someone with nothing meaningful to contribute. Care to help?
Your absence would affect me greatly. I’d finally get some peace and quiet.
Louie Armstrong would have never released “What a Wonderful World” had he met you.
You’re not simply a drama queen. You’re the whole royal family.
Some people hatch into beautiful butterflies. Some people hatch into whatever the hell you are.
Has anyone ever tried to smack some sense into you? Allow me to be the first one.
Funny, I don’t remember you raising your hand. I’m going to call on someone else.
Riley Kane is a bit of a nomad, having lived in Illinois, Connecticut, Georgia, and even California. His passion for writing brought him to the Savannah College of Art and Design, where he studied writing. He has offered his skills to the fields of marketing, healthcare, and gaming, to name a few. Additionally, he loves to write zany fiction stories and take care of his pet frog. His name is Dudley.
Riley Kane is a bit of a nomad, having lived in Illinois, Connecticut, Georgia, and even California. His passion for writing brought him to the Savannah College of Art and Design, where he studied writing. He has offered his skills to the fields of marketing, healthcare, and gaming, to name a few. Additionally, he loves to write zany fiction stories and take care of his pet frog. His name is Dudley.