For the fans of the longest-running medical drama, here are 110+ trivia questions to test your knowledge and challenge your friends to be crowned a super fan of this 18-season-long, so far, series. Shonda Rhimes has been delivering a ton of twists, turns, and drama-filled episodes throughout the series, we have tried to condense all of this into these questions that will put your love for the series to the test. So, gather your friends and family and enjoy.
Q1: Name “The Seattle Grace Five”?
Q2: Who’s seat did Arizona take on the plane that crashed?
Q3: What is the middle name of Meredith’s son Derek?
Q4: What specialty was ben before he went into General Surgery?
Q5: Who officiated Callie and Arizona’s wedding?
Q6: What did Izzie do before becoming a Surgical Resident?
Q7: Who did Richard choose to be his legal guardian for medical diseases?
Q8: Who won the Gray Sloan Surgical Innovation contest?
Q9: What was April Kepner’s specialty?
Q10: What specialty was Meredith pursuing before General Surgery?
Q11: What did the surgeons fail to do to save Derek’s life?
Q12: What country did April go to with the army?
Q13: Throughout the series, who does Owen Hunt get married to?
Q14: What is Owen Hunt’s army rank in the series?
Q15: What pose does Amelia do before surgery?
Q16: What were the names of Mark Sloan’s daughters?
Q17: Who among the characters grew up on a farm?
Q18: Who does April finally lose her virginity to?
Q19: Other than Amelia name one of Derek’s sisters?
Q20: How many Half-Sisters does Meredith have?
Q21: Who did George cheat on Callie with?
Q22: Who was the source of the Syphilis that George got from the nurse?
Q23: Who did Meredith date along with Derek?
Q24: What was the metal in Richard’s hip that was poisoning him?
Q25: Where does Cristina move to follow the 10th Season?
Q26: Where do Jo and Alex end up getting married?
Q27: What other Shows are in the Greys Anatomy universe?
Q28: How did the interns after the original five practice surgery?
Q29: How did Alex discover he had an arrhythmia?
Q30: How did the hospital discover that George is John Doe?
Q31: What specialty does Jo Wilson shift to in the later seasons?
Q32: What was Jo Wilson’s name before she changed it?
Q33: Who does Meredith end up giving the sparkler pager to?
Q34: How many seasons is greys anatomy now?
Q35: In season 18 where does Meredith do her research on Parkinson’s?
Q36: In what season does Jackson go back to see his father?
Q37: Which characters does Meredith meet during her COVID Coma?
Q38: What nickname does Owen give to Cristina and Meredith?
Q39: What was the name of Teddy’s lover before 9/11?
Q40: What was Amelia addicted to?
Q41: How did Izzie have Alex’s kids?
Q42: Why was George leaving the Hospital before he died?
Q43: What was Alex’s mom working as when they reunited?
Q44: What is the ER known as in the series?
Q45: Name two main characters who had cancer on the show?
Q46: On what did Meredith and Derek write their wedding vows?
Q47: Which spirits are seen in the “Day of the Dead” episode?
Q48: Why did Stephanie leave the hospital?
Q49: How does Jo’s ex-husband die?
Q50: Who is Owen’s best man at his wedding to Amelia?
Q51: Who is the song “How to save a life” by?
Q52: Where did Cristina meet Dr. Thomas before Minnesota?
Q53: Who was the doctor that failed his/her boards?
Q54: During the alternate reality episode who was the Chief of Staff?
Q55: During the alternate reality episode who did Alex cheat on Meredith with?
Q56: What condition do Meredith and Riggs make up to get Megan’s kid to the US?
Q57: Why did Cristina quit surgery?
Q58: Who are the Mercy West residents?
Q59: Who’s the doctor that gets fired after the Mercy West merger?
Q60: What does Izzie do with Denny’s money?
Q61: Why does Cristina lose in the Harper Avery Awards?
Q62: What organ does Meredith donate to her father?
Q63: Why was April fired from the Hospital?
Q64: Which department did the residents hang out in when they needed peace and quiet?
Q65: Who was the Cardio Goddess?
Q66: What was the name of the procedure that involved 6 kidney transplants?
Q67: Where are Meredith’s mother’s ashes spread?
Q68: What was the name of the hospital at the start of the series?
Q69: Regarding trauma center classes, what class is the hospital?
Q70: What was the name of Alex’s brother?
Q71: Who drops a kidney during the Domino surgery?
Q72: What does Bailey scream after the kidney is dropped?
Q73: What does Bokhee work as in the hospital?
Q74: Who does Lexie hit with a softball during the match between hospitals?
Q75: Who is the coach of the hospital’s softball team?
Q76: Which hospital do they play against?
Q77: Where do Callie and George get married?
Q78: In season 2, why does Cristina have surgery?
Q79: When was the first time Meredith almost died?
Q80: Who pulled Meredith out when she drowned?
Q81: Who operated on Derek when he was shot?
Q82: What did Bailey tell the Clark shooter to escape?
Q83: What is the name of Maggie’s new husband?
Q84: From what did Maggie’s mother die?
Q85: Where do Callie and Arizona move to?
Q86: What does Ben Warren do after he quits surgery?
Q87: What is Arizona’s specialty?
Q88: What is the promise that Callie breaks to Arizona?
Q89: What is the name of the condition that Arizona develops due to her leg being cut off?
Q90: What does Deluca’s father suffer from?
Q91: Who had Deluca been in a romantic relationship with before his debut in the show?
Q92: Who does Carina Deluca marry?
Q93: How did Cristina Yang refer to her interns?
Q94: What was Lexie Grey’s nickname?
Q95: What were Lexie’s last words?
Q96: What season does Mark Sloan die?
Q97: Who does April end up marrying?
Q98: What condition does Bailey develop after the infection issue?
Q99: Who’s the doctor that complained to HR regarding Dr. Arizona?
Q100: Where do Richard and Catherine get married?
Q101: In season 12, why does Meredith almost die?
Q102: Who does Alex beat up in the season 12 finale?
Q103: What is Carina Deluca’s research interest?
Q104: Where do Megan and Nathan move to?
Q105: How young was Maggie when she finished Med school?
Q106: Who does Teddy marry before Owen?
Q107: What type of car did Derek drive?
Q108: Why did Derek and Amelia’s dad get shot?
Q109: Who is Meredith’s emergency contact?
Q110: What was Bailey worried about regarding the kid stuck in concrete?
Q111: Who were Meredith’s first roommates?
Q112: Who bought Meredith’s mother’s house?
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