18 Taylor Swift Chants and Moves to Know and Practice

Prepare to discover the power of the light side, because the force is strong in this collection of Star Wars dad jokes. Don’t think you’re about to laugh like Jabba the Hutt’s right-hand creature Salacious Crumb? We find your lack of faith disturbing. We have looked in every corner of the Star Wars universe, from Coruscant to Tatooine, and found you only the best dad jokes that would even make Kylo Ren laugh. So enjoy, because the humor in this list is definitely not forced.
What do Jedis say on the 4th of May?
May the 4th be with you.
What does Darth Vader celebrate the day after the 4th of May?
Revenge of the fifth
What do you call it when Chewbacca didn’t fix the hyperdrive properly?
A wookie mistake
Why did episodes 4, 5 and 6 come out before episodes 1, 2 and 3?
Because in charge of directing, Yoda was
What does a Jedi order at an Italian restaurant?
Only one cannoli
How does Darth Vader like his toast?
On the dark side
Why did Annakin Skywalker cross the road?
To get to the dark side
What did the Jedi say to the sheep?
May the force be with ewe
How do Tusken Raiders cheat on their taxes?
They single file to hide their numbers
Han Solo? But he’s with Chewbacca the whole time! More like Han Duo
Which droid always takes the long way around?
Where did Rey buy her lightsaber?
At the Darth Mall
What does a Jedi use to open PDFs?
Adobe Wan Kenobi
What music does Admiral Ackbar listen to?
Never date a girl who doesn’t like Star Wars puns.
You’ll be looking for love in Alderaan places
How do you know when Darth Vader is near?
You can hear his theme music
What do you call a smuggler who’s frozen in carbonite?
A hardened criminal
Why was R2D2 angry?
They kept pushing his buttons
Why does Princess Leia tie up her hair?
So it doesn’t Hang So-Low
What did Yoda say to Luke when he gave him his first car?
May the Porsche be with you
Where did Luke get his cybernetic hand?
At the second hand store
What do you call a falcon that eats avocado toast?
A Millennial Falcon
What did Yoda ride around on as a child?
A do-cycle. Because there is no tri
Why don’t people eat wookies?
They’re Chewy
Why is a droid mechanic never lonely?
He’s always making new friends
I miss you like a Stormtrooper misses … well, pretty much anything.
What did Obi-Wan say to Luke at dinner?
Use the forks, Luke.
Where does Jabba get his dinner?
Pizza Hutt
Sticks and Clones may break my bones but Finn will never hurt me
Why do Twi’leks like to flip coins?
So that they can say ‘heads or tails’
What was Lando’s nickname when he was still learning to fly?
What’s a Jedi’s favorite toy?
A yo-yoda
“I find your lack of steak disturbing” – Darth Vader at a vegan restaurant
What do Gungans keep stuff in?
Jar Jars
Why do Jedis make good doctors?
Because they have a lot of patients
Star wars pick-up line: I wanna Lando in your Calrissian
What do you call a Pirate Droid?
Arrrr-2 D2
How did Darth Vader know what Luke was getting for his birthday?
He felt his presents
I am reading a great book about how to make things levitate through the force.
I can’t put it down.
What do you call a nervous Jedi?
Panicking Skywalker
Where do you find out about secrets in the Star Wars galaxy?
Wookie Leaks
What does Kylo Ren serve at a dinner party?
First hors d’oeuvres.
Why did Han Solo kill Limp Bizkit?
He did it all for the wookie
What’s Darth Vader’s favorite song?
When You Wish Upon A Death Star
How do you stir-fry on Endor?
With an e-wok
What did Yoda say to Grogu?
Cute you are, but when you are older, look like me you will
What’s Jar Jar’s favorite food
Miso soup
What happened when the dog attacked the Jedi?
He got Darth Mauled
What car does a Jedi drive?
A toy-Yoda
What’s Darth Vader’s least favorite hip hop act?
Jedi Mind Tricks
“Four, five, six, one, two, three…” – George Lucas counting at school
What do you call a grunge rocker who has gone over to the dark side?
Darth Vedder
What do you call someone who tries and fails to become a Jedi
An Obi Wannabe-Kenobi
Why doesn’t everyone find Sith jokes funny?
They’re a little on the dark side
When does a woman become a Jedi?
When she’s good and Rey-di
What happens when two Jedis don’t want to be married anymore?
They use divorce
What do you call it when a smuggler rocks out the guitar?
Han Solo
What’s the term for a female Mandalorian?
A Womandelorian
What does Princess Leia say when she needs help?
I could use a Han here!
What do you say to a Jedi in the US South?
May the force be with y’all
What do you call a bounty hunter from the US South?
Bubba Fett
Why can’t you email anything to a Jedi?
Because attachments are forbidden
What do you call a Jedi without an eye?
Why is Emperor Palpatine suing Nike?
He invented the slogan ‘Just Do It’
What did Yoda say when he saw himself in 4K resolution?
Who serves you at a dark side restaurant?
Darth Waiter
How does Darth get to the top of the Death Star?
In the Ele-Vader
Why is Yoda a good gardener?
He has green thumbs
Why should you never borrow money from Yoda?
He’s always short
Why doesn’t Yoda do geometry?
Because there is no triangle, only do angle
What did Obi-Wan say to Luke at the Rodeo?
Use the horse, Luke
Where’s the best place in a galaxy far, far away to get a hot dog?
Admiral Snackbar
How is duct tape like the force?
It has a dark side, a light side and it binds the galaxy together
What do you do when you find yourself on the wrong side of the galaxy?
Get a Tatooine
What did Yaddle say to her boo?
Yoda only one for me
Why do so many people find Princess Leia attractive?
She has great buns
Is BB hungry?
No, BB-8.
Which Star Wars character retired from his job in Cloud City and moved to Florida?
Orlando Calrissian.
What do you call an invisible droid?
Which Star Wars movie do baseball players like the least?
The Umpire Strikes Back.
Why does everyone love Ewoks?
They’re Endor-able
My wife says she’ll leave me if I don’t stop making Star Wars jokes.
I said please don’t go. You’re the Obi-Wan for me.
Why are Death Star pilots sick of space battles?
They always end in a tie.
What do you call a Princess who only shops at Whole Foods?
Leia Organic
What sound do Yoda’s sheep make?
Dey go bah
How many stormtroopers does it take to replace a lightbulb?
Two: One to screw the bulb in, the other to shoot him and take the credit
What do you call a Mexican Jedi?
Obi-Juan Kenobi
What do you call it when two stormtroopers play chess?
Game of Clones
How did Luke spend his time in The Empire Strikes Back?
Hanging out and watching the Dagobah
What did Han say to Leia?
Please don’t make me go Solo
What is a clone trooper’s favorite band?
What’s the temperature of a Taun-Taun?
Luke warm
The force is like anxiety. With me, always
The New Jedi Order are starting a band
It’s called Durron Durron
Why doesn’t Darth Plagueis ever catch a cold? He’s a Muun
Which Jedi became a rock star?
Bon Jovi-Wan Kenobi.
How long has Anakin been evil?
Since the Sith Grade.
What is Jabba the Hutt’s middle name?
Why didn’t Yoda smell?
He used de-Yoda-rant
What do you call a Jedi in denial?
Obi-Wan Cannot Be.