The 30 Very Best September Jokes

We’ve all played the game ‘Would You Rather?‘ or ‘Have You Ever.’ Sitting in your friend’s basement or in university halls with a big group of mates, or sometimes strangers. But have you played ‘Most Likely To?‘. ‘Most Likely To’ is a great game to use as an icebreaker. One thing is for sure, playing a game like this gives you all the information you need to get to know someone pretty quickly! It can be challenging to know exactly what to say. Your head is full of ideas when you set out in the game, but rapidly, as more people reveal deeper and darker secrets you can become lost in it all and forget what you were thinking about in the first place. Have no fear! We are here to show you 55 of the dirtiest Most Likely to Questions that we could dig out of our fantastic vault of laughs and jokes.
For those of you who have never played this banger of a party game. Here are the ground rules:
1. Gather a group of willing participants.
2. Grab a pile of your favourite refreshments, fizzy pop, beer or spirits – its your choice. This can be played as a drinking game or as simply a fun dare game. Many people need a bit of Dutch courage to get the ball rolling. Each player should have a drink in their hand to start.
3. The oldest player goes first. The game is played in a circle, moving clockwise.
4. The starting player asks the group a dirty question. For example: “Most likely to kiss a stranger on a night out”.
NB: You can write the questions down on cards if you like.
5. Everyone in the circle points at the one person that they think is the most likely candidate to kiss a stranger on a night out.
6. If you find a friend’s finger is pointing at you – take a drink!
7. The game continues indefinitely until you run out of drinks or questions!
Most likely to forget to wear underwear?
Most likely to perform a sxual act while drunk?
Most likely to kiss on a first date?
Most likely to pick up a stranger at a bar?
Most likely to fall for a friend?
Most likely to puke and then kiss someone?
Most likely to have sx with another person in the room?
Most likely to marry their cousin?
Most likely to eat gone off cheese?
Most likely to participate in an orgy?
Most likely to watch p*rn?
Most likely to make a move on a teacher?
Most likely to kiss a stranger on a night out?
Most likely to ghost someone?
Most likely to fall asleep on the toilet?
Most likely to pass out in the club?
Most likely to write their number on the toilet door?
Most likely to jump off a cliff?
Most likely to drink someone else’s drink?
Most likely to give their bank card to a stranger?
Most likely to dance with a stranger?
Most likely to talk dirty on the telephone?
Most likely to get lost from their friends at a party?
Most likely to fall in love with someone much older?
Most likely to buy something because their crush told them to?
Most likely to get frisky with a stranger?
Most likely to lose their clothes on a night out?
Most likely to get cat-called in the street?
Most likely to miss the last bus home?
Most likely to fall in love with a younger person?
Most likely to snog their taxi driver?
Most likely to get nakd in public?
Most likely to have sx in the club?
Most likely to leave their coat in the bar?
Most likely to mess around with someone in public toilets?
Most likely to text their crush on a night out?
Most likely to get a stranger to buy them drinks?
Most likely to kiss in the middle of the dance floor?
Most likely to admit their darkest secret when drunk?
Most likely to have sx with more than one person in the same day?
Most likely to make out with a colleague?
Most likely to pay for everyone’s drinks?
Most likely to dance on the bar?
Most likely to text their ex when drunk?
Most likely to serenade someone?
Most likely to swim in the nude?
Most likely to forget to pay the taxi driver?
Most likely to get locked out?
Most likely to come on to security?
Most likely to double book a date?
Most likely to show up for class/work with bed hair?
Most likely to kiss a security guard?
Most likely to give their number to someone?
Most likely to do shots with the bar staff?
Most likely to puke in the taxi home?