What can you do when you turn 18?
Turning 18 is a milestone in everyone’s life. It is that moment that you take the bold step from being classed as a child into the scary world that is adulthood. Responsibility comes knocking and it is time to stand on your own two feet. There are lots of perks that come with being 18 that you may have dreamed of being able to have since early childhood. In this article, we are going to look at 50 things you can do, now you are a fully-fledged adult.
- You can now get yourself a loan from the bank. This does not have to be the bank of Mum and Dad anymore, but you can request a loan from a reputable source. It is worth doing your research before you commit to a contract. You will need to be able to afford the monthly repayments and shop around to ensure you are getting the best interest rate on the market. A loan is not an easy option, it could potentially land you in some tricky situations if you fail to keep up repayments.
- Mortgage. If you want to own your own house, you can now legally get a mortgage. Again, you need to ensure you can afford the monthly repayments and have a deposit to put down. You do not want your house to be repossessed if you fall behind on payments.
- Credit cards. This is not free money and comes with risks. Make sure you do your research before signing any contracts or before funding your luxury lifestyle on credit. Credit cards can be great for those unexpected moments, but they should be used with caution.
- You can open your own bank account without your parents’ permission. Pick a bank of your choice and fill in the required paperwork. You will need an ID to open an account.
- You may now be eligible for some government funding or benefits. Research online or in your local citizens’ advice to see if and what you are entitled to.
- Think about your pension. You may feel young, free and like you don’t need to worry about your retirement, however now is the prime time to set up an account for a private pension. If you start paying in now you will reap the benefits in your old age.
- Working as a freelancer, there are tons of opportunities out there for freelance work, especially if you have a specific skill.
- You can control your own money. You earn it, you spend it, you make the choices.
- You can donate blood without your parents’ permission. Regular blood donation is a quick and easy way to help those who may be less fortunate than yourself with their health. Always check the guidelines though because not everyone can give blood you have to meet certain criteria.
- Organ donation. Now is the time you can opt whether to donate your organs when you pass away. Make sure your wishes are clear, so your loved ones are aware of what you want to do.
- Be a living donor. Not only can you donate blood, but you can donate bone marrow along with other parts of your body to help save the life of someone seriously ill.
- You can take part in medical research and studies. There can be a financial gain to some of these however you need to match a certain criterion and the chances are you may become unwell as part of the study.
- You pay for prescriptions – not as exciting as you may think, however it is another sign you have reached adulthood and are taking responsibility for your own health.
- You can join a gym and use all of their equipment.
- Go to university. University is a great chance to live independently or with a group of friends and study a subject you are passionate about. Gaining a degree is a great stepping stone into the careers market, you want to make yourself stand out from the crowd.
- If a degree is not for you then look at apprenticeships. These give you the opportunity to learn on the job while being paid a small fee. Once you are qualified you can decide where you want to work now you have the relevant training and certification.
- Learn a new skill. You are never too old to learn a new skill. This skill could be put to use in employment or in everyday life.
- You can start work. This can be in any field that you wish but ensure you have the right skills or qualifications for it. Earning your own money is rewarding and it is nice to be able to spend when and where you want.
- Enroll in college. If you feel that university is not the option for you to further your studies, you can enroll in a local college to further your skills. This can be an option that may allow part time working in addition to studying.
- You can take part in online courses. These are often offered in specific subjects, specific skills or a hobby that you may be interested in.
For Fun
- Drink alcohol. You are now able to buy your first pint in a British pub! Who are you going to treat when you buy your first drink? Be careful with alcohol; it is addictive and can cause health issues.
- You can go to concerts, shows and films without any age restrictions. Those 18 rated films may not be as scary as you initially thought.
- You can purchase tobacco products. Be careful this is addictive and can cause illness.
- Adopt a pet. If you are responsible and have time to love another, then perhaps you should consider adopting a pet. Remember a dog is for life not just for Christmas.
- Host your own party. You can legally host your own party. Make sure you put BYOB (bring your own booze) on the invite you do not want to be paying for everyone, you have only just started working don’t you know?
- Remember, remember the 5th of November. Fireworks night now means you can buy your own fireworks and host a display for your friends and family. Everyone loves a sparkler to celebrate.
- Have you found that special someone? If not you can join online dating apps and possibly find the love of your life.
- Is quizzing your thing or do you have a special talent? Well if this is you the great news is you can now take part in TV quiz shows and could win a substantial amount of money or some amazing prizes such as a speed boat. Speed boats are always a great prize when you don’t live near any suitable water.
- You can join organizations who only accept adult members such as the WI.
Personal Growth
- It is time to vote. You can now vote for who you want to be in charge of the country, we live in a democratic society, and it is vital you share your thoughts so the wishes and beliefs of the majority of the country are implemented.
- Not only can you vote but you can also join a political party and run for Parliament in your chosen constituency.
- You can sign up to join the military and be sent to war. You can sign up at 16 to do your basic training however you cannot go to combat until you are 18 or over.
- You can sign a legal contract. Whatever that contract could be you now have the power to make your own decisions and take control of your life without permission from a parent.
- Change your name. Have you never liked your name or fancied being called something different? Well now is your chance. Remember though this is a legal procedure, and you would be making a permanent change.
- You can now marry the love of your life without parental permission. You might want to wait a few years until you know you have met the right person however from the age of 18 you can make your relationship official.
- Jury duty. You can be called up for jury duty and be asked to share your opinion on cases in a court of law.
- Driving license. Now is the time to learn to drive. You are 18 years old, and you do not want to be relying on your parents and friends for lifts. Get a license and the world is your oyster.
- You can enter professional contracts such as those for sports, modeling, or music.
- Form your own business and make sure it is registered with the government. Starting your business young means you have plenty of time to watch it grow and develop.
- You can apply for a passport without the need for parental permission.
- Now you have your passport, you can travel wherever you like in the world without your parents’ consent. However, check the laws of the country you are going to. What you can do at 18 in one country might be 21 in another. Always check as you do not want to be getting into trouble.
- Rent yourself a house or apartment. You are of an age now where you can live independently, go ahead and spread your wings.
- Get yourself a tattoo or piercing without parental permission.
- Volunteer for a charity or organization. Some of the charities can take you all over the world to volunteer with a range of people or exotic animals.
- You can apply for a fishing license – this could be useful at a variety of locations around the country.
- You can apply for a shotgun license – these are not easy to get, and you need to meet strict criteria. Clay pigeon shooting is also an expensive hobby to take part in.
- Time to become a daredevil and take part in extreme sports. You can sky dive, bungee jump and partake in other outdoor sports. Make sure you have a strong stomach and a steady hand.
- Publish a book. Do you have a story you are desperate to tell? Well now is your time.
- Publish your music. If you have a tune that you often hum and cannot get out of your head, then record it and publish it for others to listen to. You never know it could become a hit.
- Join an adult league or sports club. Now is when the real competition starts.