50 Clean Never Have I Ever Questions

50 Clean Never Have I Ever Questions

Rules of the game:

This game is played best with 3+ people. Everyone holds up ten fingers and each person takes a turn and says something they have never done before. For everyone else, if you have done it, you put a finger down. The first person to put all ten fingers down loses. Here are some questions to help you get started!


25 Clean Never Have I Ever Questions:

Clean Never Have I Ever Questions

1. Never have I ever been the class clown.

2. Never have I ever gotten lost from my parents at the grocery store.

3. Never have I ever made a YouTube video.

4. Never have I ever eaten escargot.

5. Never have I ever hit someone’s car.

6. Never have I ever got caught singing in the shower.

7. Never have I ever shoved stuff under my bed because I was too lazy to put them away.

8. Never have I ever fallen off a bike.

9. Never have I ever been in love.

10. Never have I ever choked on water.

11. Never have I ever had a pet.

12. Never have I ever snooped through a friend/boyfriend/girlfriend’s phone.

13. Never have I ever done a workout challenge.

14. Never have I ever made a TikTok dance.

15. Never have I ever gotten caught talking bad about someone behind their back.

16. Never have I ever liked someone’s picture on Instagram whilst stalking them.

17. Never have I ever left the door open while going to the bathroom.

18. Never have I ever sent a text that I regret.

19. Never have I ever spent more than $100 on one item of clothing.

20. Never have I ever cut more than 12 inches off my hair.

21. Never have I ever blamed a sibling for something.

22. Never have I ever lied that my parent said I can’t hang out because I didn’t want to.

23. Never have I ever re-gifted a gift.

24. Never have I ever gotten seasick.

25. Never have I ever gotten an F on a test.

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25 Funny Never Have I Ever Questions

Funny Never Have I Ever Questions

1. Never have I ever walked into a screen door.

2. Never have I ever waved to someone who I thought was waving at me, but wasn’t.

3. Never have I ever cracked my phone screen or someone else’s phone screen.

4. Never have I ever mixed all of the sodas in the soda machine.

5. Never have I ever picked a wedgie in public.

6. Never have I ever got caught smelling your armpits to make sure they don’t smell.

7. Never have I ever got caught picking my nose.

8. Never have I ever locked myself out of my house.

9. Never have I ever taken something out of my dirty laundry to wear.

10. Never have I ever talked to my pet as if it were a real person.

11. Never have I ever broken something in a store.

12. Never have I ever pretended to be texting, whilst you’re really just waiting for someone.

13. Never have I ever got caught staring at someone.

14. Never have I ever peed in the shower.

15. Never have I ever tripped on the stairs and then looked around to check if anyone saw.

16. Never have I ever been confronted for spitting on someone whilst talking.

17. Never have I ever eavesdropped on a conversation.

18. Never have I ever played a prank on a teacher.

19. Never have I ever walked into the wrong classroom.

20. Never have I ever eaten a whole pint of ice cream by myself in one sitting.

21. Never have I ever gone viral on TikTok.

22. Never have I ever walked around with a stain all day without knowing.

23. Never have I ever walked around with toilet paper stuck to my shoe.

24. Never have I ever thrown up in someone else’s car.

25. Never have I ever started sweating from eating something too spicy.