82 Very Best Football Trivia Questions

Is this an interrogation? Maybe, but a few dares are included in order to not seem too suspicious! Learn some more about your crush and hopefully by the end they will be in love with you, unless you learn that you don’t like them anymore.
Obvious one, a great way to ease into the deeper questions and start getting to know each other.
There are actually many different responses for this question, to discover whether they are a “go skydiving” or “visit family” type.
And so the romance questions commence…
It’s just funny! Also will help you with your sexual frustration.
Deeper we go, can help you see if your crush leans towards optimism or pessimism!
Fun way to start hearing an anecdote and could lead to a bunch of wild stories.
Interesting to see whether they choose someone rich and famous or someone in their own life they admire!
You are slowly uncovering their flaws, or their innocence. Hopefully if they aren’t a good person you can eliminate them now rather than later.
Discover something they are ashamed or embarrassed of but still keeping it light! Can’t get too deep too quick.
Everyone has insecurities, but sometimes there’s so many that this person should probably focus on loving themselves before you.
Basic but good for spotting either morals or just silliness! Whatever you are into!
Ooh spicy! Don’t get too excited, maybe just take off a sock to play it safe.
Ordinary but interesting question! Doesn’t help you learn too much but once again you can’t come on too strong!
Can be physical or mental, so this question has the potential to get deep.
Again, the answer can be good or bad, depending on how they speak about it, but at least they said sorry in the end! Shows they can be apologetic, or not.
What material items do they value? Is it emotional sentiment or economic sentiment?
Nobody is perfect! Learn each other’s values and hear or tell more funny stories!
Some people just really spill their mind on their notes, otherwise it could just be a shopping list
Learn what they like and do it! But only if you want to do it.
Again, don’t feel discouraged if you don’t look like this celebrity, because you are beautiful in your own way, unless they reveal that they “play for a different team” then you should definitely give up.
Get naked! Just kidding, see what they do first…
More anecdotes! They start huge conversations! You are best friends at this point in the game, maybe you’ve even stopped playing and you’re already madly in love.
Juicy gossip, nothing more, nothing less. Gossip can be very fun.
Just fun and depending on how they react you can tell
how much or how little shame they have!
Hopefully it’s not too bad and turns you off, but again, nobody’s perfect!
Must ask a lighter question here and there, don’t think too hard and lose focus.
Might make you go “Awww” and fall in love!
Maybe everyone else will find it weird and you will have them all to yourself! No guarantees.
If you’ve never peed in a weird place have you even lived? Can judge a lot about a person based off their answer.
Another story time and flashback to you younger years.
Could get deep, or could make you laugh- Both options are good!
Learning about the family dynamic and the relationship they have with their parents is important.
You are trusted, hopefully!
Flaws, flaws, flaws… Who cares? Do you? If you do then that’s understandable. You don’t want to risk being ghosted, unless they regret it.
Maybe it’s in a secret place, but it will be a stupid question if they have tattoos in plain sight.
Courage is important, again are they shameful or shameless? And you?
Deep again, be there to “comfort” them!
Light question but leads into the topic of “crushing.” If you out the word in their head maybe they will begin to “crush” on you.
Fun question! Learn about their personality.
Scandalous, maybe you match up, or maybe this can uncover red flags.
Very funny dare! Can turn into a whole game if you want!
Memories of teenage naughtiness: what’s more sentimental?
Maybe a bit deep but I think this far in the game you are close enough and may illuminate their humility or lack of.
Learn and listen to the way they talk about the things they like! Maybe you can relate, maybe you just like to listen!
Maybe a good way to get someone to take their shirt off.
Can start more political, deal-breaking conversations, but hopefully you agree on certain things.
Some argue everyone is selfish. Where do you and your crush stand on this?
Hopefully they are shameless and maybe it’s even a talent of theirs and you may crush harder, or get the ick.
More insight into their dating life, and what possible emotional baggage they are carrying.
Ending it with memories as you create your own memories for you future together <3