If you look up “Rizz” on Urban Dictionary (which I would only recommend to adult audiences!), you will find something similar to this definition:
“NYC Slang created by a Twitch streamer and YouTuber named Kai Cenat. This means that you have game and can attract women”.
It also tells us that:
“Rizz” actually comes from the word charisma; where in southern Baltimore, they’ve started to shorten it to “rizzma” through Twitch live streamer Kai Cenat editor, a resident of south Baltimore, started putting rizz in the compilation thumbnails, and the word was adopted all over the United States.”
If you are a TikTok user, and in 2023 aren’t we all, you will have heard of this phrase and know its origins. Rizz is about being charming, having a confident attitude and using that to your advantage. We all know a friend full of “game”, a Master of Rizz if you will.
So here is a list of nicknames for your favourite, full of Rizz, friend…
Rizztorical Names (for the historians):
- Queen Errizabeth
- Adolf Rizzler
- Rizztopher Columbus
- Theodore Rizzevelt
- Abrizzham Lincoln
- Osama Rizz Laden
- J.K Rizzling
- Sir Rizz-a-Lot
- Arizztotle
- Florizz Nightingale
Theatrizzcal Names (for the film and tv buffs):
- Lord of the Rizz
- Mike Rizzowski
- Walt Rizzney
- The Rizzard of Oz
- You’re a Rizzard Harry
- Stuart Rizzle
- Anakin Rizzwalker
- Wolverizz
- The Nightmare before Rizzmas
- Avengers: Rizzgame
- Rizzards of Waverley Place
- Rizzie McGuire
- Rizz and Morty
- Star Wars: The Rizz of Skywalker
- The Shawshank Rizzdemption
- The Rizzfather
- Forrizz Gump
- The Matrizz
- Parizzite
- Severizz Snape
Rizzmical names (for music lovers):
- Rizz Khalifa
- Rizzy Stardust
- Chrizz Brown
- Elvis Prizzley
- Harizz Styles
- Rizzo
- Dizzee Rizzcal
- Ed Sheerizz
- Katy Perizz
- Brizzney Spears
Rizz of the Planet of the Apes Names (for the animal lovers):
- T-Rizz
- Rizzly Bear
- Rizzatouille
- Rizzard
- Rizzlesnake
- Rizzweiler
- Alvin and The Rizzmunks
- Sonic the Rizzhog
- Rizzie the Pooh
- White Rizzbit
Chrizzmass Names (for the holiday parties):
- Rudolph the Rizz-nosed reindeer
- Frosty the Rizzman
- The Grinch who stole Rizzmas
- Rizzmas eve
- The Polar Rizzpress
- A Partrizz in a Pear Tree
- Gingerbrizz Man
- Rizzus Christ
- Holly Jolly Rizzmas
- Father Rizzmas
Let’s Get Rizzical Names (for the gym fanatics):
- Crizztiano Ronaldo
- Rizzeree
- Boston Rizz Sox
- Mo Farizz
- Lionel Rizzi
- LeBrizz James
- Roger Federizz
- American Rizzball
- Connor McGrizzor
- Texas Rizzers
Rizzspectful Names (for your college friend):
- Quantum Rizzics
- Rizzilionaire
- William Rizzpear
- The Wolf of Rizz Street
- Charles Rizzckens
- Rizzchelangelo
- Johann Rizzgang
- Elon Rizz
- Sherlock Rizz
- Rizzcasso
Magic Rizzdom Names (for your Disney fan):
- Pirates of the Carrizzbean
- Mickey Mouse Rizzhouse
- Rizz Lightyear
- The Little Rizzmaid
- Cinderizza
- Rizzpunzel
- Rizzney World
- Spider-Rizz
- Thor: Rizznarok
- The Incrizzables
Rizzarding World (for the Harry Potter geeks):
- Severizz Snape
- Rubeus Hagrizz
- Cedric Diggorizz
- Dolorizz Umbridge
- Prisoner of Rizzkaban
- Ron Rizzley
- Grizzindor
- Rizzenclaw
- Hogwarts School of Witchcrizz and Wizardrizz
- The Hogwarts Exprizz
So, there you have it, 100 “Rizz” names for each person in your life! But remember, be careful, with great Rizz comes great Rizzsponsibility. 😄😄