The Best ‘Hocus Pocus’ Quotes

    The Best ‘Hocus Pocus’ Quotes

    Over two decades since its release, Hocus Pocus remains a Halloween staple, known for its enchanting storyline and iconic one-liners. The Sanderson sisters—Winifred, Sarah, and Mary—cast their spell over audiences with quotes that are both hilarious and creepy, while other characters like Max, Dani, and Thackery Binx added depth to the magical mayhem.

    Here’s a deep dive into 70 of the most memorable quotes from Hocus Pocus, broken down by character to bring a sprinkle of nostalgia into your Halloween season.

    The Sanderson Sisters: Wickedly Iconic Quotes

    Winifred Sanderson (Bette Midler)

    Winifred is the eldest of the three Sanderson sisters and the most commanding. Her over-the-top delivery of lines and sinister presence makes her the most quotable character in the movie.

    “Oh look, another glorious morning. Makes me sick!”
    Winifred’s disgust for anything pleasant or sunny sets the tone for her character—she thrives in chaos and darkness.

    “You hag! There are not enough children in the world to make thee young and beautiful!”
    Spoken to her sisters in frustration, this line exemplifies her obsession with regaining her youth and beauty.

    “Come, we fly!”
    Short but powerful, this line signals a turning point where the witches are about to take flight, quite literally.

    “It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus!”
    The titular line that sums up Winifred’s dismissal of all things mundane and the magical nature of the film.

    “We must find the book, brew the potion, and suck the lives out of the children of Salem before sunrise!”
    Winifred’s grand plan is not only sinister but stated with such enthusiasm that it becomes comical.

    Sarah Sanderson (Sarah Jessica Parker)

    Sarah is the flirtatious and slightly ditzy middle sister, known for her flighty personality and eerie songs.

    “Amok, amok, amok, amok!”
    One of Sarah’s most famous lines, where her playful nature comes out in a childlike chant. Winifred’s slap following this line makes it even funnier.

    “I am beautiful! Boys will love me!”
    Sarah’s vanity shines through, as she dreams of the spell restoring her youthful beauty.

    “Come little children, I’ll take thee away, into a land of enchantment…”
    Sarah’s haunting song lures the children of Salem to the Sanderson sisters, showing her power despite her naive demeanor.

    “Dead man’s toe! Dead man’s toe!”
    A humorous incantation where Sarah contributes to the potion-making process with childlike excitement.

    Mary Sanderson (Kathy Najimy)

    Mary, the most comical of the trio, is often the voice of practicality, though her methods are often strange.

    “I smell children!”
    Mary’s heightened sense of smell for children is both eerie and absurd, leading to some of the film’s funniest moments.

    “Sisters, Satan has married Medusa! See the snakes in her hair?”
    This hilarious line demonstrates Mary’s tendency to misunderstand the modern world.

    “I suggest we form a calming circle.”
    In the middle of their misadventures, Mary’s strange attempt at calming her sisters down adds comedic relief.

    Max, Dani, and Thackery Binx: Human (and Cat) Companions

    Max Dennison (Omri Katz)

    Max is the reluctant hero of the story, dragged into the chaos by lighting the Black Flame Candle.

    “It’s just a bunch of hocus pocus!”
    Max repeats Winifred’s famous line, only to realize how wrong he is about the power of the Sanderson sisters.

    “Everyone here knows that Halloween was invented by the candy companies. It’s a conspiracy.”
    Max, the Halloween skeptic, voices his disdain for the holiday, setting him apart from the spooky enthusiasm around him.

    “You’ve messed with the great and powerful Max! Now you must suffer the consequences!”
    Trying to bluff his way through a confrontation with the witches, Max delivers this bravado-filled line.

    Dani Dennison (Thora Birch)

    Dani, Max’s younger sister, is brave, sassy, and provides some of the most heartwarming moments of the film.

    “I love you, jerkface.”
    Dani’s affection for her brother, despite their sibling rivalry, shines through in this endearing line.

    “Next year we go trick-or-treating as Wendy and Peter Pan. With tights, or it’s no deal.”
    Dani’s humorous bargaining adds levity to her interactions with Max.

    “Couldn’t you forget about being a cool teenager just for one night?”
    Dani’s frustration with Max sums up their sibling dynamic perfectly.

    Thackery Binx (Sean Murray)

    Thackery is the cursed boy-turned-immortal cat who helps the Dennison siblings.

    “You’re going to turn me into one of those fat, useless, contented house cats.”
    Binx’s sarcastic nature adds humor, even as he tries to help.

    “Take good care of Dani, Max. You’ll never know how precious she is until you lose her.”
    A poignant moment between Binx and Max, reminding him of the importance of family.

    Memorable One-Liners and Spells

    “Twist the bones and bend the back / Itch-it-a-cop-it-a, Mel-a-ka-mys-ti-ca.”
    The famous incantation used by the sisters to cast their most powerful spells.

    “Dance, dance until you die!”
    A sinister spell cast by Winifred to make the townspeople dance uncontrollably.

    “Booooook! Come to Mommy!”
    Winifred’s relationship with her spellbook is full of amusing moments like this.

    The Legacy of Hocus Pocus

    Hocus Pocus is a film full of memorable lines that have stayed with fans for decades. From Winifred’s wicked quips to Sarah’s whimsical chants, these quotes capture the magical spirit of Halloween. Whether you’re revisiting the movie for nostalgia or discovering it for the first time, the clever dialogue ensures that Hocus Pocus remains a Halloween favorite for generations to come.